Yarn Along

Last yarn-along post, I mentioned that I was dreaming of reading out in the garden while the children played. Quietly. The playing out in the garden part has happened. Occasionally even the quietly, but reading Hard Times is not possible unless I want to read the same paragraph over and over for the next fortnight.

Ah well. Books I can dip into are more realistic. Stopping and starting to read about plant dyes works well. In fact re-reading certain parts is beneficial.

Knitting has been slow. I’ve only picked up the needles in the evening. We’ve spent most of our time living outside. The days have been bright. Even blue sky. The light is perfect for doing the fine work on my quilt applique instead. Make hay while the sun shines…..

I did pick up the wool to start my blanket border and then discovered that I hadn’t finished the last square. I’ve finished the chicks from last week.

Book choices have had a common theme. Ideas for children activities. Lots of science, crafting and maths! More about the activities in another post.

I thought it would be fun to include the books that the children are reading. AJ is reading her way through fiction based either on history or science at the moment. This week it is one by Lucy Hawking. BL has found a vintage book in her big sister’s bookshelf. The only word she couldn’t read was the little girl’s name, Deborah. TF, at four, looks through a lot of books, but last night’s bedtime story was Mickey’s Magnet, which I think is an excellent introduction to magnets.

Hop on over to Ginny‘s for more knitting and book yarns. I’ll be over once the children are tucked up in bed.

Books at top:

Goddesses: a World of Myth and Magic

Science Experiments (Thanks Liz for suggesting this one)

The Craft of Natural Dyeing

More Math Games and Activities from Around the World

How it Works Magazine

Childrens’ books:

George and the Big Bang (George’s Secret Key to the Universe)

A Duck for keeps by Helen Kay

Mickey’s Magnet by Franklin Branley and Eleanor Vaughan


  1. My knitting is on hold at the moment, more time being spent outdoors, gardening, etc.

    I had to smile at your top photo, not the same books but similarly there are piles around here on science, maths and dyeing and spinning!

    Enjoy the holidays x

  2. Your books are such treasure! I can’t wait to look for them to share them with my boys! I hope you share your quilt soon-it sounds wonderful.

  3. Oooo, Goddesses…I do love Barefoot books. Sounds like you’re having some lovely weather. Spring is definitely showing herself here, too. I must remember to feature my boys’ reads sometime, too. I do love to see what entire households are reading! 🙂

  4. I find myself with lots of children’s books around, too — they’ll have to do their own Yarn Along posts, though! Knitting’s been relegated to evenings for me as well because the weather’s been too nice to spend inside (though I sometimes manage to take my basket outside). Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. With weather as unpredictable as ours (27′ last week, snow and -3 this!) you really do just need to make the most of it and be outside every second you can…I still find time for knitting mind you, it’s the ironing that suffers! 🙂

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