Yarn Along – October

I set myself a reminder, over the summer, to join in the next one of Ginny’s Yarn Along. If this post sees the light of day, you’ll know I managed it. Even remember to link it up? Fingers crossed.

It has been a while. I’ve missed it. Not only for the encouragement to finish my latest knit, but also the book recommendations that people link up. Thank you, wonderful people. I’m pretty sure that most of the books I’ve read in the last 8 years, were gleaned from other linker’s posts.

So, on to my knit and book. I’ve just finished The Memory Keeper’s Daughter (affiliated link). A story, that starts in the 1960s, about a doctor who sends his new-born daughter away because she has Down’s Syndrome. If the banishment wasn’t breath-taking awful enough, he goes on to tell his wife that the child was stillborn. They are left to raise her twin. A healthy boy.

In the meantime, the nurse who was given the task of taking the daughter to a care home, cannot bring herself to leave her there and brings up the child herself.

The 1960s were a different time. No run-of-the-mill pre-birth scans, as we’re used to now, plus a different attitude to disabilities. It might have been a very different story if they had known before the birth, but that’s not the point of the story. The couple weren’t aware that they were expecting twins, let alone one with Down’s Syndrome. I’m sure it must have been a shock. No time to prepare yourself. Strangely the attitude is the only part that really pins it to the period. Few references to the current affairs in the world around. The story could have been set 40 years later and still worked. The focus is very much on the main adult characters and the consequences of the lie on them over the next couple of decades. It didn’t even occur to me that the Memory Keeper was not the mother, until near the end.

I did enjoy it. As the story progressed, I swung between liking the characters and finding each of them mildly irritating. And back again. It is a slow read, but worth persevering.

Now for my knit. I’m knitting a jumper for me. It is Sirdar 8067 and I’m knitting it in Sirdar Harrap Tweed. I reluctantly abandoned my attempt on the suggested ribbing after numerous failed tries. I’m no newbie to fancy stitches, but I couldn’t make it look anything but a mess. Shame as the ribbing was the reason I went for the pattern in the first place. Instead I’ve knitted a cable twist ribbing.

You may spot that my needles don’t match. Funny story. Well actually, not, but I can try. I love the grippiness (is that a word?) of the wooden needles, and was rather miffed when I found the matching needle was now in two pieces. Right in the middle. Fingers were pointed. Not deterred, I’m soldiered on with odd needles.

I’ve finished the front and back, and am now ploughing up the first sleeve. It’s looking good. I love the mottled or dappled look of the lilac yarn. Maybe next month, I’ll be able to show you all the finished jumper. I best set a reminder to join in again.

What are you reading at the moment? I need to select another book.


  1. I love the lilac shade that you are using for your jumper. I can’t wait to see it all finished! I am yet to finish my autumnal bunting! There just isn’t enough hours in the day lately!

    Thanks ever so much for sharing with #MMBC. I hope you have had a lovely weekend. x

  2. *sigh* … have just completed row 4 of the 12 rows that constitute the lace pattern – my 3rd attempt mind you, and the furtherest I have gotten so far! 182 stitches x 3 x 3 x 4 … a good deal of torture, even my grammar and my ability to talk is suffering 👿 I love your pretty cable ‘ribbing’ btw, hopefully I won’t have to resort to frogging and following your lead.

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