Do we have to go?


There are times when one or two of the children decide they don’t want to go out, as they scowl from the door. They declare, as they sit in the car, that they are not going to enjoy it. They’d rather be at home. Playing in the garden.


As their mother, I know exactly what is coming next.

exploring the castle

When we arrive, the same children tumble out of the car and are away. Rushing around the place that we have landed in. All moans forgotten. New declarations of it being the best day. Ever!

archers window

Nothing like a ruined castle to encourage imagination. What would it be like to fire an arrow out of the window? How much can you see?


The old moat, now dry, makes the most amazing nature reserve. Lots of pretending to swim in the long since gone moat. I could have spent the whole visit ambling along the trail. Children nimbly exploring the slopes. Like quiet scouts  from an invading force.

stone spiral stairs

Crooks and cranies to explore. Castle construction to examine and theorize about.

herb garden

The castle’s herb garden is fascinating. We went round making notes of the plants we’d like to add to our own herb garden. A chance to introduce a few more herbal fragrances to the children.

red flower

Then down to the crypt.

down in the crypt

With suitable ghostly apparitions.

in the crypt

Discussing how the lead was applied to the bodies and death masks made.


Back up into the light.

cherubs on rafters

It all prompted so many questions from the children.  Everywhere something to notice and interest them.

small flower growing on wall

And there was more to explore.archery

They couldn’t resist having a go with the archery.

castle weekend fun

All the reluctant moods long forgotten. It works every time. Every time, without fail.

The castle is Farleigh Hungerford. We’ve visited before, but long enough that it was ready for another visit. I’m sure we will be back.
Joining in with #CountryKids and all the outdoor explorers. Hope you all had fun this week.
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall



  1. What child wouldn’t want to explore such a wonderful place and let their imagination run wild!? Fantastic photos with lots of interesting and intriguing areas to explore too. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  2. What a lovely place to visit. We have a ruined castle near us but I haven’t thought about taking Little Man. One for our bucket list me thinks 🙂

    1. I love castles. Like finding secret gardens and wondering who has been there first. Lots of places to run around too.

  3. I love exploring old castles, this one looks fab. My kids ae exactly the same about trips 🙂

  4. oh man! i am soooo jealous of this outing!
    we just have nothing even remotely close to comparing to this in the states!
    did i mention i’m jealous?!?!
    thanks for sharing so many photos!!

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