About a knitted blanket

book on folded knitted blanket

Definitely a day to huddle under a knitted blanket and read a book, although I might need to wait until later, after work. Oh, and don’t be fooled. That blanket is still being knitted and is a work in progress.

I woke an hour before our alarm was due to go off, this morning. There was a humdinger of a storm raging on and a particular loud howler had woken me. Is it just me, or anyone else lie awake in bed, listening to the roaring, and one hundred percent convinced all sorts of apocalyptic disasters are going on outside?

By this stage, there was no doubt in my mind that our new greenhouse had lost all its glass and now lay helpless on its side. I imagined several trees down and fence panels missing. I was waiting for the sound of roof tiles shattering into tiny pieces as they hit the path and cars. One after another.

Of course, it was nothing like I imagined.

The greenhouse door had blown open and the whole structure has moved an inch to one side, which is no mean feat for a greenhouse of its size, but all glass is intact, thank goodness. Apart from the recycling bin lid taking an interesting trip around the garden, no other damage, although I’ve not checked every roof tile. No smashed ones under foot, so I’m counting it as a win. Maybe I can convince my brain to be less dramatic next time.

It did make for a wet and windy dog walk/run today. Pretty much carried on all day, with odd moments of blue sky to tease us.

knitted blanket draped on beanbag

I’ve missed joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along. She’s taking a break this year with so much on her plate plus expecting a new baby. So, I decided to carry on posting up a monthly blog post about my latest knitting and book.


This year, I’m putting off buying any more craft materials until I’ve used what I have already. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve followed a special offer from a favourite supplier’s email and added fabric or wool to their online shopping basket, then emptied it. This is hard, but when I see that I can make a fun knitted blanket like my current project, it reminds me, that with a pinch of imagination and a dash of creativity, I can do it.

Talking of which, my stash busting blanket is on the home straight. Each square uses a corner to corner construction, attached as you go. It still leaves lots of loose ends to sew in, which is the stage I’ve reached. My mountain of odd balls of wool is reduced to a handful of tiny balls of fluff, so it’s time to stop. Or pause. I’m not sure yet. Nor am I sure about whether to add a border.

The midnight Library on knitted blanket


A few weeks ago, while in the office, I caught pieces of The Midnight Library (affiliated link) when it was serialised on Radio 4. I kept missing bits as our clients phoned in, but I found the concept fascinating. It reminded me of the movie Sliding Doors, where separate versions of a person’s life play out. It’s something I imagined for myself, back at the beginning of the Covid 19 lockdown.

The book arrived this week, so I’ve not read much. Too early to decide, but it feels so familiar having listened to the radio version.

Folded knitted blanket next to plant

Hopefully next month I’ll have a new knitting project to share. I have a choice of finishing an unfinished piece or starting a new project with a collection of wool I have lurking in my cupboard. I’ll soon get through my yarn. Fabric is a whole different challenge. Now that might take me several years.


  1. That blanket looks ideal for a day like you describe, finished or unfinished! I’ve done that myself, as long as the thing is big enough to fit under.

    1. It’s really tempting to carry on, but my choice of colours is running out. No border, so I could add more at a later date.

  2. Our fence has pretty much come down because of the wind. I too am trying not to buy too many more craft materials, but every time I go to the supermarket I accidentally end up down the craft aisle..oops. Love the blanket!

    1. Sorry to hear about your fence. Difficult to resist when you are there in person. Much easier to close the browser tab on my shopping basket!

  3. The wind has been horrendous hasn’t it?! I nearly had to fetch my greenhouse back from the farm at the end of our track. It was absolutely howling around our house the other night.
    A beautiful blanket, beanbag and a good book. You’ve got it sorted Mrs!  😉
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. x

    1. It really did howl. Thank you. Very happy with my scrappy blanket. One of my favourite places to sit at the moment. Cosy and tucked away.

  4. I laid in bed last week listening to the wind blowing. There were a lot of bangs and crashes here as it was bin day and all the wheelie bins and boxes of cans and bottles were out and blowing all over the place.
    Thank goodness your greenhouse survived.
    What a pretty blanket. It looks so cosy. x

  5. I love the blanket. It’s such a great way of using up all those leftover balls of wool. I’m the same with storms – lying in bed imagining all sorts of destruction going on outside. Moving the greenhouse an inch is quite something – glad the glass was all intact. It blew over the kids playhouse here but thankfully there was no damage to anything. #MMBC

  6. Your blanket is looking great! I gave up on my ‘scraps’ blanket for a while and yes, I’ve started something new *Sigh* I loved the Midnight Library, it really makes you think about life (And death)

    1. I think scrap blankets can go on and on, with pauses in between. Scrap wool comes along in dribs and drabs mostly. I’m sure yours will be worth the wait.

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