Yarn Along – July

I am loving this gorgeous weather we’re having in the UK, at the moment. I spent my lunchtime outside today, sitting on our swinging bench which is covered in honeysuckle. Bees were buzzing around me and the Hound was close by. He loves it when I’m outside with him.

I have a small bag set up with my current knitting and a book. I can grab it when I’m rushing off in the car and also when I’m going out into the garden. The bag has the most gorgeous, painted footprint on the front, that youngest made when he was three. I can still remember his sweet, little giggles as I painted his foot. He was just as surprised that I popped him up on the table, which I never usually did, to make it easier for me to paint the underside of his foot.

Anyway, enough of reminiscing. He’s 12 now and I’m not sure he’d appreciate it! I still love that footprint.

My current book is Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimen. We watched the 6 part series on Amazon Prime and loved it, so I couldn’t resist reading the book. It is equally good to read, if not better. Perfect nonsense and “quite right” moments with it. I like both authors and it is interesting to see how the story meshes together so well.

My knitting, in the bag, is the red version of a cardigan I made earlier this year. I absolutely live in the purple version, so it seemed a bit of a no brainer to knit it again in my favourite colour, red. Not as fast progress now we’re in the growing season and the garden needs more attention. Slow progress is fine. It will be ready when I need it.

Seeing as it is #PlasticFreeJuly, thought I’d mention how pleased I was to receive my yarn for this cardigan, through the post in a cardboard box. No plastic. It’s good to know it can be done.

The cardigan is King Cole 4076 and the yarn is King Cole too. So easy to knit.

Joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along. Including my current knit and book. Two of my favourite things to do. Along with gardening, of course. And maybe painting feet, now I think of it.


    1. It is lovely to have it as a reminder. The bag is a perfect size and it’s just coincidence that it has the footprint, but I’m glad it does. 😀

  1. oh that is so fun about that bag, a perfect size too! I love the colour red! it’s such a joy to create! Thanks for sharing that lovely memory of painting your son’s foot! memories like that are such treasures for us!

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