As I write, Youngest is somewhere out in the wild, with a backpack strapped to his back, lolloping over the moors. This is yet another practise walk, as they build up the distance. I believe this week is 40 miles. At least the weather is better this time. Maybe frosty in the morning, but they won’t be trudging through snow like the first time.
No dogs on the equipment list, so Hero was disappointed to be left behind again. He is slightly perturbed by this turn of events. It’s Ok. He has dog treats and a more local walk to look forward to.
With Middle working weekends, I reschedule my week, so I can spend time doing something with her. I’m making the most of it. It won’t last for ever. I cram my work in, so I can free up at least one day and go out somewhere with her. This week, we took the bus down to Glastonbury to their weekly market. I could drive, but I love sitting on the top of the double decker as we ride over the Mendips. It is such a sight.
Anyway, after the market, we went for a walk up the High street to see the new mural close up. It is quite spectacular. The high street is colourful in its own right, so the dark background was a good choice, I think. Makes the flowers pop out. It looks like a photo until you are close up and can see the spray-can sweeps.
Book and knitting
While there, we popped into a few of our favourite shops. I picked up a heritage craft book. It looks at the folklore and superstitions surrounding some of our oldest crafts. I was particularly interested in the spinning and weaving chapter. Looking forward to reading the chapters on baking and beekeeping too.
On my needles at the moment, I have an almost finished jumper and I started a dishcloth, as some of ours are looking quite ratty. I will spare you a photo of the old dishcloth, but the new one is certainly vibrant. From experience, I know that regular washing soon dims the colours, unfortunately. It’s made of cotton, which is less forgiving on the hands when you knit it. I have made tops from cotton before. Now I prefer something smaller.
Big step for me next week. I signed up for a gym. I have never, ever been to one before. Believe it or not, I’ve not even sat on an exercise bike or touched a treadmill, so this is a completely different experience for me.
Why the change? Good question. Part of the reason is that I’ve signed up with Middle daughter, as something we can do on her weekends. Mostly, I want to up my exercise regime. My daily dog walk is not enough. With the wet weather, I’ve not been running. I want to increase my fitness and set myself up as I get older. This may be the way to do it.
There is also a swimming pool. I used to swim like a fish when I was younger. We had a pool in the garden and I spent most of my summers in the water. Somewhere along the years, I stopped. Maybe it’s time to start again.

Of course, gardening always helps with my fitness too. I’ve started clearing the raised beds and it really is satisfying. Mr TTC has cut the grass and we moved the hen run to a new area. The hens take our fencing as only a suggestion, so they fly over it and walk around the rest of the garden, all day, to their hearts content. For whatever reason, they seem unable to fly back over, so I have to rescue them when they decide it’s time to go home. Too soon and they fly out again. I suppose it keeps me on my toes and a good reason for another walk.
Joining in with Anne’s word of the week linky.
I am impressed by your decision to join the gym. It might be intimidating to start off but I hope you do keep it up. Good luck with that. I thought of doing a crocheted dish cloth but haven’t started yet. We haven’t got any cotton yarn so I’ll be on the lookout. I hope you and your family continue to enjoy the walks. Blessings for a fab week ahead.
Thank you. Yes, I did feel intimidated, but we were off peak which I think makes it quieter and easier to use. I’m loving it now.
I love the murals, the flowers on the side of the house are amazing and the colours just pop. Well done with joining the gym, I hope it goes well.
The wall does look even better in real life. I love how murals are popping up everywhere now. So much fun!
I hope your youngest had a great adventure.
It sounds like you had a lovely time with your daughter. The murals are just beautiful.
Good luck at the gym. x
He enjoyed his weekend and it all turned out good. I’m treasuring this time with Middle daughter as she’ll be off at university in September.
Hope your youngest is enjoying the practice walks. Lovely to have that time with Middle. I love the mural. Lovely colours on the new dishcloth. Hope you’re enjoying your trips to the gym and the opportunity to go swimming again. How funny that the hens can fly over the fencing but not back again! #WotW
I’m sure they could figure out how to fly back if they really wanted to. Youngest enjoyed his weekend and I feel like I’m on borrowed time with Middle as she is off to uni in September. The mural certainly makes a colourful statement.