So the summer holidays are over. The children have gone back for their first day at school today. One is starting at her new school.
I like to think that the summer holidays allow me time to do some research and development. Time for inspiration and reflection. When the making of pretty things is put to one side. A pause on some parts of life. We all need it. Just look at Father Christmas relaxing.
September is a mixed month. On one hand it signals the start of back to routine. Watching the time. Making packed lunches. Ensuring the right person is in the right place at the right time wearing the right things. Hopefully fed and clean. Not to mention the logistic challenge of after school activities for three children and me doing a day job, as well. The endless juggling of balls in the hope that I can keep them all in the air. At once.
On the other hand, September is also a new start. I have the urge to go and buy new stationery. The lure of all the lovely new pencil cases and shiny folders in the shops. Sign up for new challenges. I start pricing up label printers in the hope of being more organized. This year.
Time off has given me the chance to dream dreams and plan new ideas. I’m hoping I can hold on to this September energy and implement changes.
They’ll all be back from school before I know it. Eldest will be bursting about her first day at big school. I can’t wait. I’ve missed them today.
In the meantime, I can look back at photos from the holiday. Including these from our trip to a Model Village on the Isle of Wight. They move all the models off the grass to mow it. Can you imagine how time consuming that must be?
I love the little scenes dotted around the village. So much gentle humour to make the visitors smile. It makes me remember that I need to hold on to the humour and lighter side of life as I deal with mundane matters. Maybe I should print this one out to remind me to smile.
All the detail and care taken is amazing. Everything is just so. Another attribute I need to remember.
An aside: We really enjoyed our trip to the Godshill Model Village. If you are on the Isle of Wight, it is worth a visit. We loved that we could take our dog in to the village too, rather than leaving her in the car. Most places we went to on the Isle of Wight allowed dogs.
I’m not one for New Year resolutions on 1st January. September always feels more like the start of the year. The academic year to thank for that. If I was to opt for inspiring words now, then they would be to follow dreams, take care of detail and remember to have a sense of humour.
How about you? Are you inspired by September? Or is it just another month?
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I agree, this does feel like a time for fresh starts. I tend to be more likely to do autumn cleaning than spring cleaning – I feel the need to get everywhere clean and decluttered before we are forced to stay inside when the weather closes in. Mine go back tomorrow and Thursday and while I am really not looking forward to the quiet of the house without them, I do relish the opportunity to get on with jobs that have been abandoned over the wonderful summer holidays. I’m really going to miss them though – and one of mine is starting a new school too!
Taking time to declutter and clean sounds a good idea. I need to do some of that too. So easy to ignore it when the sun beckons you outside all summer. Hope the quiet gives you the chance to finish some of the jobs.
Lovely images of an organised model life which is the opposite of mine! The humour is lovely and will help me with my juggling. Hope the children enjoyed their first day back at school, especially the eldest at BIG school.
The detail fascinates me.I love the humour of the snapshots. They all had lovely first days. Long may it last!
lily heads back to school on thursday!
i love fall… i think it’s the cooling temps that motivate me more than anything. i always get wilty and useless when it’s so so hot in august. just the promise of cooler temps always gets me going again!
I hope Lily has a lovely first day. I think you’re right that Autumn is a time of doing. Here’s to getting lots of things ticked off our lists!
(mis-read your comment at first and thought that the summer made you witty, not wilty!)
I love September
i love the newness of things x
It seems like a positive time.
I am having 2 holidays to the Isle of Wight next year so shall take a look – thank you.
Great post – and I wasn’t keen on them going back, but the new clubs and things they are experiencing is great.
Two holiday! I’m sure you are going to have a wonderful time. I’m glad you are finding September a positive time.
I feel the same way about September being the start of the year. I love the photos, I swear I visited that place like *cough* 30 something years ago!
After so many years starting a new academic year, September is all about new starts and new challenges to me. No classroom to go to anymore, but it still feels like a start.
Model villages are memorable.
What is it about model villages?! I LOVE them! That one looks fab and I am impressed by the detail too. Don’t see many of these nowadays – we used to have one locally when I was a child, but not anymore. Good luck with your new found motivation and the fresh approach! #PoCoLo
Model villages and crazy golf. Harps back to childhood holidays, I think. The detail is brilliant in this one and I love the humour.
Oh my gosh – I remember this model village
How lovely. And you’re right about September
Thanks for linking to PoCoLo x
It is a gem of a place.
We love a good model village. Great pictures.
We have visited godshill many times.
Beaconsfield model village is also fun!
Happy September.
I used to live near the Beaconsfield model village as a child. Probably started my love of model villages. Happy September to you too.