We like to celebrate St David’s day each year. If only by making a batch of welsh cakes, but if we can add a bit of crafting into the mix, then all the better. This year we are opting for welsh felt leek brooches. As St David’s day is next Saturday, we made our leeks this weekend.
They worked out so nicely, I’m going to share a step-by-step.
To start, you’ll need white felt, green felt tips, white thread, safety pin, scissors and a needle.
We cut a 2.5″ x 3.5″ rectangle from the felt.
Next step is to sew a line of running stitches as shown in photo, using the white thread. Make sure you anchor the thread at the beginning, by sewing three small stitches, one on top of each other, before you start the running stitch.
At the end of the line, pull the thread to slightly gather the end of the felt, then roll the felt up as shown. Don’t cut the thread.
Once it is rolled up, anchor the thread again with three little stitches on the spot, as shown in the above photo. Next sew two thirds along the long edge of the roll, to hold the roll together. Finishing off with three little stitches again. You can cut the end of the thread off now. This makes the stalk.
Using the felt tips, colour the top third of the leek, which is not sewn. Make sure you have done both sides of the felt.
Cut the leaves as shown above.
Next add the roots to the leek. I like to do this double thread, which means that the ends of the thread are even. Then sew as shown in the photo. This method will anchor the root to the felt.
Next sew the safety pin onto the back of the leek. I put it so that the join is covered by the pin. It is personal preference which way round the pin goes, but I prefer the head of the pin at the top.
Then Bob’s your uncle. Your felt leek is ready to be worn. This is great sewing project for older children. For younger children, who cannot sew, the leek can be glued instead of sewn.
I know the children are looking forward to wearing their leeks on Saturday.
I’m aiming to post the recipe we use for welsh cakes later on in the week. In the meantime, if you’d like some more St David’s Day activities, take a look at some other of our craft and activities. Welsh cake recipe is here.
Make a fire-breathing welsh dragon
Linking up with Craft Schooling Sunday and LetKidsBekids. Giving the children time away for all the tech.
Brilliant will come look at the recipe later..but the leek is just Great!
I thought I had posted it on a previous St David’s Day, but I can’t find it. Never mind, I’ll add it in this year.
Really lovely, and so clever.
Thanks Briony. I’m looking forward to wearing mine.
they are adorable, how clever and what a lovely way to celebrate the run up to st david’s day. #LetKidsbeKids
I do like to mark the day in some way. (Any excuse for a batch of welsh cakes!)
These are fantastic and I love to daffodils too! I used to love dressing up for St David’s day when I was young, but I don’t live in Wales any more so my girls probably won’t do that, but I would love them do celebrate the day and these are perfect for that! Thanks for the idea #LetKidsBeKids
I love the way that the schools dress up for the day. The little ones look so cute. We too have to settle for baking and crafting to celebrate the day. And a bit of harp playing if I can persuade eldest!
This is such a cute idea!
Thanks, Kate.
Lovely idea, it looks very effective!
Thanks for sharing #LetKidsBeKids
Thanks Karen!
Very cool, I like those! #LetKidsBeKids
Thanks Alex!
The leeks look brilliant, and so cute!
They turned out OK. (Always helps when you plan to wear them!)
These are brilliant, such a great idea. I like the way you can make them with just a couple of items too!
It is a simple and fairly quick craft. Uses the sort of materials which most people with children have around the house. Well, those that craft at least!
I am rather a failure when it comes to crafting but love cooking so I think I may make some Welsh cakes very soon. Thanks for the recipe
Hope you enjoy making and eating them.
So much fun, thanks for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!
Thanks sara