All along our hedgerows, patches of spring wildflowers are popping up. Lambs are busy frolicking in the surrounding fields. It really is a fabulous sight. Yet I’m already moving on to autumn. That’s right. I’ve started my autumn knits. My work in progress.
My favourite yarn came up in the sales a few weeks ago and I grabbed the opportunity. For the last few years, around pumpkin time, I’ve wished I had thought to knit an orange or russet brown coloured jumper for the season. Of course by then, it’s far too late to start and finish a garment in time. This year, I’m doing something about it. By starting now, hopefully, it should be ready in good time.
I’ll admit it feels odd knitting in bright orange. The colour feels too harsh for this point in spring, as if it is yelling ” Too soon”. The pattern is a favourite that I’ve made before.
I’m also knitting orange socks. These have gone on the back burner, as I’m not sure I like them. I love the colours, but I wish I’d knitted them in a less fussy stitch. They are fun to knit and I’ve nearly finished the first sock, but it has knocked the wind out of my enthusiasm to pick them up.
Thought I’d include the second hand books I picked up. We’re lucky to live very near to a large second hand shop, so, as I treat for the children, we popped in last week. They found nothing they wanted. Most of the good books, I suspect, are sold on line, but I found a Nigella Lawson cookery book for £2. Better than a magazine for three times the price. I liked it so much that I popped back the next day to pick up another of her books.
I’ve already made her chocolate and pear pudding and bookmarked a whole lot of other recipes I’d like to try. Her chocolate sauce is the best I’ve made. I like her style of cooking. It’s similar to mine, but different enough to push me slightly out of my comfort zone. I have most of the ingredients at hand already, which makes it easier.

So, anyone else needing a timely nudge to start knitting for two season’s time, count this as your bell clanging. Needles at the ready.
Oh! You are organised with your knitting. The orange does look very Autumnal. x
Thanks. I love the colour. I’m sure it will be perfect this autumn.
Oh, how happy was I to see you pop up in MMBC! 🙂
I love your autumnal knitting projects, they look super cosy! I often make things for months ahead as well.
The second-hand shop close by sounds handy, I would spend so much time there having a browse.
Have a lovely week. x
Thank you. I do mean to join in more. I’m usually not so organised with my making ahead when it comes to yarn.