I’ve had a bit of fun with my word of the week this time. I think I’m pushing it, but, hey, what’s new? I’m going with temperature. Not just the obvious cold spell we are having at the moment in the UK. Bear with me as I seem to veer off at a tangent straight away.
We celebrated Burns (temperature) night on the Friday. Haggis and neeps. It still surprises me how much the rest of the family like this meal. Especially when you read the ingredients. I thought it would be a hard sell, but they do like it. They roll their eyes when I try to convince then that the haggis are fresh off the hillside, thanks to the local shoot. The evening was lovely. No bagpipes or kilts, unfortunately. Poetry was thin on the ground too, but I’m working up to those parts. There was whisky for the adults.
Youngest had a couple of days off school. He doesn’t get ill often, but when he does, it hits him hard. He was feverish (temperature) and persistent coughing. I knew if I sent him in, there would be a phone call to pick him up again. With the car still in the garage, being repaired, and Mr TTC up in London, I wouldn’t be able to rescue him.
The tickety-tack of the sewing machine has been punctuating the normal hum of the house. I’ve had a couple of sewing projects on the go this week. My sewing room is a bit chilly, giving me a good excuse to bring both machines through to the kitchen (yes, I was indecisive about which to use) One project is almost ready. Another is waiting for middle teen to stop playing with the snow, as it’s her project.
Snow sculptures are popping up around the garden. Most successful is the snow maiden. I love the proportions Middle teen has sculptured. They’ve been out sledging too. A new death defying slope has been conquered, giving me time to work on my calm, cool mother persona and not mutter “be careful” or the like. It’s all good. No-one is injured. The Aga has a constant covering of gloves, socks and boots.
Friday was a snow day, as school was cancelled. Three happy children bounced out of bed with no problem and dressed before I could remind them to eat breakfast. Now why can’t they get out of bed that quickly when it’s school?
Other news:
The two teens went to see the BTS film at the weekend. KPop. They loved it. It was only on for one day.
My car is back from the garage. The bill wasn’t as bad as I had feared, which was a nice surprise. Mr TTC picked it up yesterday. As I wasn’t willing to drive in the snow, he went by foot. I was quite impressed. He decided to don his running gear and ran the 3.5 miles through snowy lanes. Both of his usual Park Runs were cancelled this morning, due to the snow, so swings and roundabouts.
Gradually catching up with teachers after my missed parents’ evening, due to the car breaking down. Especially pleased to hear how well she is doing in maths and science.
Celebrating Imbolc and Candlemas today. I do have a slightly interesting badger story today, but I’ll leave it for another day. Needless to say, I’m leaving any badgers down their holes today and lighting candles instead. (badger and groundhog day connection explanation here, if you are interested)
Right, time to count heads and see who’s up for a hot choc. Should warm them all up.
Hope you had a good week and the weather treated you kindly. Linking up with Anne’s word of the week.
Raisie Bay – Word of the Week
Wow that snow maiden is beautiful, what a clever daughter you have. I love how much snow you have had, but like you, I won’t drive in the snow, so good on your husband for fetching the car. We have had no snow at all here, it’s actually quite sunny at the moment, although very cold.
Stay warm and thanks for linking up to #wotw
There has been a real divide with the snow this weekend. I hadn’t realised how little snow you had had further up from us. I think we had a lot more than most, in our area. Edging on to a foot. I used to be happy to drive in snow, but it’s one of those things I find difficult to do since having children. Maybe one day.
The snow is so pretty. I do love haggis and neeps, so comforting especially when it is cold X #WOTW
I’ve never had haggis cold. Am I missing out?
We seem to have avoided the snow here (thank goodness..) but your pictures are very pretty
The haggis don’t run round here, but we did have a wee dram on Burns night – we aren’t Scottish but you know.. whiskey so… LOL!
No Scottish roots here either, as far as I know, but doesn’t stop me celebrating. We love holidaying in Scotland, which is my excuse.
As if I needed one!
You have had an impressive amount of snow ! I saw your insta-stories the other day and it looked like you were all having lots of fun, dog included x #wotw
We don’t get it often, but when we do, we get a lot of snow, in recent years. They have been having so much fun outside.
That Snow Maiden is amazing, the boys haven’t got the commitment to make something so detailed. This snow is the stuff of childhood memories isnt it? We haven’t had that much this week thank fully, we only tend to get it bad when no one else has snow its like we have our own micro climate here, enjoy the hot chocolate and snow x
So right about it being the stuff of childhood dreams. It is happening more regularly for us, each year, but not as much as you have. She was outside for ages (plenty of vitamin D time!) carving it. I kept popping out to take photos. She did well, I think.
Fab use of the word!
I love Haggis but my lot refuse to even try it.
Your snow sculptures are fantastic! It looks like you had our share of the snow!
I honestly thought my lot would turn their noses up at it. Maybe helped that the first place they tried it was from a fish and chip (and haggis) take away in Scotland.