A title for my Friday roundup post is sometimes challenging. I really couldn’t figure one out at first, this week. My photos were no help. My list of events was varied. Seemed a mixed bag. Then it struck me that it had been a momentous week, where our little world had expanded a little bit more. No longer were we quite so isolated. The very reason the list didn’t hang together was because they included other people, with no common theme. Up to now, just voices on the phone.
Saturday, we visited my parents. We’ve not seen them since mid February. It felt odd and uncomfortable not being able to hug them or help carry trays and chairs out into the garden. Will that ever get easier? I look forward to the day when I can make them a cup of tea. Other than that it felt so normal, sitting out in the garden with them. The garden I spent my teen years mooching about in. Watching my three having fun, with Hero the hound tagging along.
It was so good to see my parents and catch up.
I took the youngest two teens into school for a tutor meeting, this week. As we navigated our way between the buildings and down corridors to the assigned room, I became aware of three aspects that I’d never connected with schools before.
First of all, it was pretty empty. Not even the echoes of the children who should have just left for the day. None of the debris left, proving they had been there. They hadn’t. Not for some time.
Secondly, the people we saw and heard were all adults. It had the feeling of the offices of a company at the end of the day. No young voices.
Thirdly, the smell. Completely wrong. Usually, now how can I put this, a mix of aftershave and body sprays failing to cover up the other smells left by humans who have existed closely together for the day. With equal good doses of the chemistry lab odours and school canteen too. This time it was fresh air and almost overwhelming cleaning liquids. Hand sanitizer at every single door, and every door and window wedged open.
I can only imagine how it must feel for the teachers who were in.
Anyway, we had our meeting with their tutor. We sat with a long table between us and them, with papers shoved across the surface, like a weird game of “you’re It now” being played out. Outlining work to be completed for the summer. Targets set for the start of the new school year.
So ended the school term and academic year. A year like no other.
I made another macrame plant pot holder. This time for the bathroom. This will probably be the last one for a while. I’ve run out of plants to hang up. Although I did buy a few more plants on Sunday and I’m busy propagating others, so plant pots will multiple at some point.
Right, this is the face of a dog who would like me to stop typing and take him for a walk. I’m usually in charge of the evening walks, but I’m joining in the morning ones at the moment too. Anything to get fitter.
Oh, I should also point out the ruby sunflowers in my photos. These are from seeds that I bought, in February, from the St Margaret’s Hospice charity shop in Wells, as part of the fundraising effort. It’s their 40th anniversary, which means ruby. Seems such a small way to support others at the moment. Hope to visit their shop again soon.
Joining in with Anne’s word of the week.

How lovely to see your parents again. It must be so strange meeting up with others. I did see my brother, but apart from his family, he’s all I have now. I’m steering clear of his family as I know they haven’t been following the ‘rules’ and it would be too risky seeing as we’ve not even been out since a week before lockdown. I’ve never heard of ruby sunflowers but I love them, they are amazingly beautiful. And you caught a little bee too in your photo. Stunning!
I’m definitely planting more next year.
What a gorgeous dog … and he looks so kind … and eager for his walk. Great to meet up with your parents again, too! #WotW
He really did want to go out and having his photo taken was just delaying it all.
Aww! How wonderful you have been able to see your parents. It is strange at the moment but not being able to hug our loved one’s but it is bearable now that we can at least see them.
It sounds like an interesting visit to the school. It certainly sounds different from what we’re used to. x
It does feel strange and not something I really want to get used to, but needs must.
What a portrait of Hero – such an interesting expression! Glad you got to see your folks. I just hung up from talking to an elderly cousin who lives at the shore. She’s over ninety and said we could drive down to visit, if we could be sure her daughter would be home and if the weather was good, and sit outside. So many “ifs”. We’ll have to see.
I hope you do meet up.
Awww Hero is lovely! and how nice to see to your parents 🙂
He is looking a bit peeved at me.
I love your sunflowers – what a gorgeous colour they are. How lovely to be able to visit your parents again – it is strange having to try and keep a distance though. I can imagine it must have been so strange going into school for the tutor meeting and everything feeling a bit alien due to the absence of children there during the day. #WotW
The rest of the sunflowers are opening up now and they look amazing.
Your description of the empty school makes me want to cry. Schools are supposed to be alive with children’s voices and the debris and smells you describe. They were never meant to be sterile, hushed places. A year like no other for sure!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful sunflower pics. Gorgeous!
Definitely a different kind of work place for the teachers, and any students that make it in.
You ruby sunflowers are beautiful. I planted a mix of ruby and yellow sunflowers but only one has survived! I’m waiting to see which colour it will be!
I lost about half of mine to something snapping the stems. Seem to have a mix of multicoloured ones and a much darker ruby.
Your sunflowers are beautiful – Mr Bumble looks quite content on them too!
Lovely to hear that you got to spend some time with your parents. It’s a little strange adapting to the new normal though I must admit, especially after shielding for so long. x
I can imagine after shielding for so long, it must feel strange to be out again.