Oh, mud season. My least favourite time of the year. Even the hound is fed up with wet, muddy walks. The most challenging time of the year for me. There is no escape. The roads are covered. Feet, wheels, paws are covered and if we had pavements, I’m guessing they’d be covered too. It flows off the fields, along hedgerows and creeps in everywhere. I used to joke that I could throw a packet of seeds in our hallway and we’d have a good crop of something by spring, thanks to all the feet walking mud in.
I haven’t yet, but give it time.
(It’s OK. I do clean the hall).
It has rained most of the week. The bridge is flooded, obstructing our morning dog walk, unless we wear waders. Opening up the hens, each morning, the ground is definitely squidgy underfoot. Puts me off doing anything extra in the garden. I can’t wait for the ground to dry up a bit.

Today the sun has made an appearance, which makes a nice change. Amazing the difference blue sky makes. Hopefully it will hold for the weekend and I can catch up with outside chores. Rain and mud may be hard work at this time of year, but I know I shall appreciate it during the growing season.

One advantage of the short days and the mud conditions is that I can indulge in other pursuits. I’ve been reading “The Lost Storyteller” by Amanda Block. I’ve not finished it yet, but I’m pretty sure that this is one heading for the charity shop, once I’ve finished. The main character is painful and, unless something amazing happens in the next few chapters, I’m going to be disappointed that the story was drawn out so much. A shame as the plot is a good one.
My sock knitting is going well. I finished one sock and ploughed straight on with the next one, before second sock syndrome could hit. (For non knitters – the frozen inability to start the next sock after finishing the first. Thus never creating a finished pair of socks. A very common problem). I’m almost ready to turn the heel on the second sock.
We’ve just finished watching Chris Hemsworth’s Limitless on Disney. Surprisingly good. I’ve been toying with the idea of doing intermittent fasting and after watching this, I might make 2023 the year. Has anyone else tried it? I’m not ready for four days fasting as he did, but intermittent seems do-able. I’m also thinking of upping my exercise game too, so it was a good series to watch. Running will have to wait for the mud to clear and I upgrade my shoes.

Right, time for the weekend, when I intend to put a few seeds in mud to start my early tomatoes in pots. Hope you all have a good weekend.
Joining in with Anne’s Word of the Week link up. Thank you for all your kind comments, last week. It made my week.
“mud mud glorious mud, nothing quite like it for cooling the blood” unless it’s in your hallway!! I laughed at your second sock syndrome, I have second glove syndrome and have so many single gloves I’m thinking of pairing them up odd!
Funny. I’ve never been hit by second glove syndrome. Socks, yes. Quite the thing to match up odd socks. You should make it a trend for odd gloves too.
Have to say that great minds think alike – the first thing that came to my mind was mud mud glorious mud!! The idea of growing seeds in the hallway made me chuckle too. Must admit I am not a fan of this rainy damp lingering weather. It’s annoying when you have an unsatisfying book!Hope the story speeds up a bit.
A few years ago I would definitely been with in regard to the song, but I am so over it!
Lovely to see you back in the blogosphere! Really missed your updates.
Mud is the bane of our lives at the minute. We live on farmland with fields around and then there are the muddy towpaths at the front, it’s boggy in every direction! Wellies are our best friends at this time of the year.
I did smile at second sock syndrome. This was me a few months back. It took me ages to make the second one, I thought sod it, the recipient will just have to hop around on one foot at this rate haha!
Have a lovely week. x
Laughing at the idea that you’d even contemplate gifting a single, lone sock.
Glad you finished the second one. Thank you. I’ve missed you all too. It’s good to be back. Funny how rusty I feel after six months. Starting slow.
It is so muddy here too. I am sick of telling my family to take their shoes off a the front door. I am looking forward to getting out in the garden when it dries up a little too.
I have that Chris Hemsworth show on my to watch list, my fella has been watching it and it sounds amazing. x
Soggy ground is not my favourite gardening conditions either. Hope you enjoy the series too. It makes an interesting series.
Mud season sums it up at this time of year. I get tired of all the mud being brought in too. It is nice when the sun shines though. Good idea to get straight on with the second sock. I’ve not yet tried making socks. Lovely to have fresh eggs from your hens. #WotW
Respite from the mud this week, but it will be back. It took a few years before I tried socks, but I have a few favourite patterns now.
Thankfully the only mud we are dealing with at the moment is from the kids when they come home from school. Their school fields are muddy. We have newly laid grass in the garden, next year it might join the mud bath. At the moment it is still looking OK #WotW
Ah mud. It creeps in, no matter what.