It’s the end of July. Not sure if this makes me happy or slightly sad. I feel like summer is slipping away and I’ve not even started to enjoy it. Then we have a beautiful day like yesterday and I get excited again. Wistfully hoping that I might still get a chance to ride that summer wave. I’m planning on taking time off in August. I have so many plans for how we can enjoy and get the most out of this rather strange summer. Time to squeeze in a few more wonder filled memories.
This week has meant long hours, working into the wee hours. I am exhausted, but the week started on a completely different note. I thought we had rabbits back, which I was very excited about. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I love seeing them hopping around the garden. Last year they did no harm. I miss them this year.
Then it became obvious that the rabbits would have to be mighty tall. The nibbled leaves were way up the bean poles. Not sure of the logistics but they’d need to stand on each other’s shoulders. Or just eat the untouched lower leaves, which would make a lot more sense.
Also the pile of droppings nearby, would have set the rabbit up to be something akin to a Tardis. You know. Bigger on the inside. No way was it a single rabbit.
Luckily, we have a night camera on the back of the house for this very purpose. To spot wildlife. Turns out a deer was visiting. The second night, she stayed five and a quarter hours. A couple of hours sleeping in the middle of garden. It seems she decided that my bean leaves made a perfect late night snack and breakfast. We have some lovely footage of her turning almost to look at the camera as she munched on my bean leaves. I swear she was smiling.
I’ve put a temporary fence around the beans now, to allow them to recover, but it looks like it was a two night sleep over. She hasn’t been back again. May have been something to do with the hound diligently marking the boundaries in his own special way.
I did spot a deer in the woods, on one of our early walks and I’m claiming it was her. Cuddled up at the base of tree. She flicked her ear and ignored me. I’d expect no more.
She wasn’t the only visitor, this week. We had our first human visitor since March. One that stayed long enough to wonder where the time went. Eldest had a friend over. They sat in the furthest corner of the garden. I could still hear their happy voices and laughter, which warmed my heart. No matter how old your children are, it is the best sound ever.
I’ve made a few more of my crochet squares. They are tiny, so it’s going to take a few hundred to make a blanket. Like most of my projects, it’s more about the journey than the end product. Busy, stressful week, but something about knotting yarn together, into funny, little squares, seems to cut through the tension.
Anyway, I ordered another colour, which arrived this week, to border each teeny square. Undecided, but I might join as I go, rather than leaving it to the end, when I’ll have a pile of squares roughly the height of the house.
That was my week. I am most definitely ready to enjoy the weekend. Time to pamper the family with some real cooking, rather than hastily thrown together snacks. I seem to have delegated so many jobs to them this week, that it’s time to treat them.
Joining in with Anne’s Word of the Week linky.

Ooh how lovely! you are so lucky to have so much wildlife nearby! even if Dr Who Bunny has been eating your veg – the image of rabbits standing on each others shoulders made me laugh
They would, I’m absolutely positive that they would.
The thought of summer starting to slip away always makes me slightly sad too and I’ve become more aware of the evenings becoming shorter this week. I do love the summer months and the lovely long evenings. Hope you can get to enjoy some nice family time this month. Lovely to capture the deer on your camera but glad that your beans are safe again! Lovely that Eldest enjoyed having a friend over. Your crochet squares are so pretty. Love the colours. #WotW
The summer does go so quickly.
We should have been on holiday this week, I heard it was very sunny down south today. Oh, well, it’s booked for the same time next year so we’ll see how that goes. I love your late night visitors, We’ve had some ourselves. hedgehogs! one tried to walk into our living room when we left the patio doors open one evening. We’ve caught them on the night camera too. I haven’t noticed any bats this year though, maybe they’ve moved on? We have had woodpeckers in the trees this year, maybe bats and woodpeckers don’t get on together? I love listening to the ducks on the canal, it makes me think of seagulls and being near the sea. Living so far inland I do miss seeing the sea. I’m making some granny squares too, for Granny Square day on August 15th. I don’t know if I’ll make them into a blanket, maybe if I keep them in a kind of colour scheme it could work.
Such a shame you’re not able to take your holiday. It would be the perfect weather too. We have bats and woodpeckers, and I’ve not heard of them not co-existing. Maybe something has happened to a nearby roost. We have seagulls. It really does make me think we are by the sea. We’re not. Forgotten about Granny square day. I can definitely join in this year.
I was saying to Craig just the other day that I feel I’ve blinked and missed summer! I love that you had a deer visit but also glad that your beans survived the midnight munchies.
I really like the colours that you have chosen for your blanket, can’t wait to see it finished.
Have a lovely time off work, you deserve it! x
Just in a blink! Blanket is coming on at a pace, although haven’t reached a hundred yet.
I love the colors of your squares – it is going to be a gorgeous blanket. I wish I lived close to woods and had wildlife visit me. I have to be happy with birds but would love a look at deer. Hope this week is a great one for you with warm sunny weather. Take care. #MMBC
We don’t often get deer in the garden. Occasionally get badgers. Used to get hedgehogs, and rabbits, of course. Each visit is special, but rare. The birds are far more predictable visitors.
My neighbour had a deer and her baby visit his garden recently. They ate the ivy covering his wall! I’m sure that the wildlife near us have got more adventurous during lockdown!
How fabulous to have a pair visit. I wouldn’t have thought about them eating the ivy, but I guess all new leaves are worth a try for them. I noticed a difference in our garden visitors at the beginning, but it’s back to normal now.
It does feel like the summer is flying over and we’ve not had chance to enjoy it yet.
How exciting to have a deer visiting your garden but not so good that your garden is an all you can eat bufffet for them.
That was good your eldest had a friend over. There is nothing better than hearing your children laughing. x
Ha! An all you can eat buffet. Yes, it’s a bit like that.
Gorgeous photos – and what a lovely garden you have! I know you don’t want the deer eating your plants but what a beautiful visitor! #MMBC
It is a beautiful visitor. We hope it comes back.