Glorious weather continues. I’m growing quite used to it. Enjoying the daily routine of watering and caring for the plants. Everything in the garden is growing like crazy. I can see this being a good year for the kitchen garden.
We’re already eating a fair bit from the garden. There really is nothing quite like fresh food and how much fresher can you get than the back garden? Youngest helped me plant out the last of the peas and beans, this week. He’s always loved to help and everything gets done at record breaking speed when he’s there.
I think in the ideal world, I’d potter around the garden most of the day. If only……
Right. Time for my weekly round up. This week. What have we done, other than garden? We took ourselves down to the Somerset Levels, over the weekend, for a picnic. It was beautiful. Just a random spot, but that’s the thing about the Levels, there are so many perfect spots to stop.
This spot was by a river, with a bridge over it. The water was clear and we could see shoals of good sized fish darting around. Lots of demoiselles and dragonflies sweeping methodically between the river banks. Even a kingfisher made a characteristic fleeting appearance. Heron flapped lazily overhead. If there was ever a day that I’d like to be seared into my children’s memories, and filed under “childhood”, this was one of those day.
We’ve had a birthday in the house, this week. I’m hit by the reality that we only have one more year before there are 3 teens in the household. Now that should be interesting.
I made the birthday boy a spinning globe card. The sort that spins around when the card is open. He loved his card. It was fun to make and I can see myself making variations on this design. If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen the video of it spinning.
Continuing with our search for a greener life, Middle teen and I had a crafting afternoon. We made felted soaps on the ropes. It helps to prolong the life of the soap, reduces waste and is so darn colourful. She’s asking what our next craft activity will be. Happy dance! She still wants to craft with me.
What else?
Eldest teen went on a TV studio visit and saw behind the scenes, but that is all I can say about that.
Youngest had one game of cricket this week and another one cancelled.
We set up a reading challenge for July. Everyone has to read for at least half an hour.
Aga is turned off and I’ve moved into the summer kitchen. It is very basic, but I love it as it is lighter and feels like I’m cooking outside. (When we moved in it was the old coal bunker and outside privy. Oh the glamour! We have converted it and you’d never know.)
Finding crystal ammonite in a stone in the garden. The stone is one from the house, which means there are probably more fossils in the walls of the cottage. I’ve always thought there must be. I love the idea and have been teasing my husband about living in a crystal cave.
(Sigh. Some people have rock and roll lives. I have a rock.)
That is our week. Hero would like to add that he had a successful week. He has dug four new holes in the front garden. The garden we spent time tidying at the weekend. A good week for him then. (good job we think he’s cute.)
Hope you all have a good weekend. I’m joining in with Anne’s Word of the Week. I’m going with the word growing this week, as everything and everyone seem to be growing, one way or the other.

Growing is a good word for the week. So lovely to be able to eat things you’ve picked from your garden. I’ve been enjoying radishes from ours this week. Love the sound of a summer kitchen, even if it’s origins were less glamorous! That picnic on the Somerset Levels sounds absolutely idyllic – definitely the perfect childhood day to remember. Glad your son had a good birthday and love the reading challenge. I really need to start finding time to read more! Hero looks very pleased with himself on all the digging! #WotW
The reading challenge has focused my reading time too. Helps that we have a chart on the fridge to fill in, so the children would soon notice if I didn’t do my bit too!
Ok, I’m back…I got distracted by your felted soaps for a while there
I love your spinning globe card, that’s fab, and happy birthday to your boy. Three teens in the house…good luck with that! I’m so jealous of your home grown produce, but not so jealous of your dog holes. I wouldn’t mind finding crystals in my garden though. Thanks for linking up to #wotw
Thank you, Anne. I’m not so keen on the dog holes. Fill them up and they empty again. Between the dog and the moles, our grass is pitted.
How neat about the felted soaps! What a lot of nice things you have going and growing!
The felted soaps are fun to make. Added bonus that they are useful too.
We have moved into a house with a garden and I am loving it already but there’s a lot of work to be done. The weeding before I start to think about planting anything. I am excited to start though.
It looks like a perfect spot for a picnic.
Happy birthday to your boy! That card looks brilliant!
I love the sound of your summer kitchen! x
How lovely to have a new garden. The planning and putting it into action. Thank you. I’m pleased with both the card and my little summer kitchen. And the birthday boy enjoyed his day.
What a beautiful place to stop have a picnic. Sometimes it is the simplist of things that can bring so much joy X #wotw
It certainly is.
Ha ha little monkey! Toby has never been a digger thank goodness. I do love finding a quiet sport for a picnic, although the boys are less likely to participate these days. I love the idea of having a summer and winter kitchen! Ooh and a crystal cave xx
Our dogs have always gone through stages of digging. He is the first one to bury anything in the holes.
I’m loving the reading challenge you’ve set for summer! I think I might do something similar too. Growing is the perfect word for your week especially with all those birthdays. It’s lovely that the kids still want to craft and grow the garden with you, it sounds like you have an abundant summer ahead x
Fingers crossed!
Sounds a fantastic week! I like the idea of the felted soaps to reduce wastage and prolong the life of the soap.
It seems to work too.