Sometimes, I outdo myself and get my act together. This week was one of those weeks. We’ve had a theatre trip, cinema and a lunch.
To set the scene, we live the best part of an hour’s drive away from the nearest action. Big venues such as theatres and cinemas. There is local village entertainment, of course, but I do miss the larger venues.
We could go by bus. Nearest bus stop is about a mile walk away, through unlit, narrow lane, so not exactly enticing on a dark, winter evening. As the years have gone by, staying home in an evening just seems the easiest option, rather than getting all five of us out of the door. Easier to flick through the TV channels, in front of the fire. What is not to like?
All change when it comes to the festive season. It calls for a teensy bit more effort, I always think. I remember going up to London for the big shows, when I was younger. Also seeing the shop windows lit up in the Oxford Street area, with all the Christmas displays. It left a big impression on me and I’m thankful my parents took me. I want the same kind of memories for my children.
(Christmas jumper 2017)
This week, we fitted in two events. First up we ventured out to see A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, at the Bristol Old Vic. It was fabulous. I’ve already written about going. So much to love about the evening. I knew it would be a success with all the family.
Middle teen had a drama exam(LAMDA) in the morning. The whole day seemed to be filled with theatre. (Especially when we had to switch cars, because the battery was flat in mine, but managed to get to the exam with ten minutes to spare. Phew!)
Second evening out was a little bit more uncertain. I knew I would love it. I was pretty sure no one else would, but I did believe that it was an acorn that needed to be planted. Just as I had been dragged off to sit in crumbling roman ruins in Italy, as a teenager, and watch classic music played on warm, summer evenings, I needed my children to be pushed out of their age related, comfort zones too. I grew to love classical music and now appreciate those memories.
(If you had asked me at the time, I’d have probably told you about the time the violin string broke for the soloist and we waited ages for it to be sorted out. Or watching a grasshopper walk over an Italian lady’s highly coiffured hair, in front of me, for the first half of another outdoor concert.)
So I took them all to see Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale at the cinema. It was a recording of a Live performance at the Garrick Theatre. Kenneth Branagh and Judi Dench. It was beautiful. I had tears in my eyes by the end. Eldest Teen loved it too. At seventeen, she’s already studied a bit of Shakespeare and has an ear for language, so I should have known she would enjoy it. She performed in her first Shakespeare school play at the age of seven. Another three after that, as the end of year school play. Shakespeare is firmly in her comfort zone.
The other two found it more difficult. The primary school had stopped teaching Shakespeare, when they reached that stage. At 15 and 12, they have studied less. It was difficult for them to follow the story and being 3 hours long, on a school night, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. There was a tad bit of moaning.
The next day, they did surprise me. Both said that it wasn’t quite as bad as they thought. They enjoyed parts. Youngest told his English teacher all about it at school that day. Me thinks that particular acorn might be taking root…..
(exit, pursued by a bear)
Third outing was just for me. Oh yes. A rare weekday treat for me! I met up with a friend for lunch. Had to postpone the lunch twice, so it was good to finally meet up.
That was my week. I’m joining in with Anne’s word of the week again. Missed a couple of weeks, due to the blogging blues, but back now.
My word(s) is “going out”.

hahaha! Here’s me complaining that we won’t be having a big night out in the run up to Christmas because the bus into town stops at about half 8 at night. At least town is only 20 minutes away.
It sounds like you have had a fab time going out.
Despite a bit of moaning it sounds like the trip to see The Winters Tale went well.
I’m glad you got to meet up with your friend x
That seems early to stop the bus in the evening, but I guess it all depends on the demand. Hope you can make your big night out happen.
Wow! What a wonderful thing to do for your kids. A Christmas Carol at Old Vic sounds like a memory-maker for sure. And “not quite as bad as they thought” it would be is high praise for Shakespeare at that age. Good for you!
I’m so glad we went. I really don’t want them to miss out on the beauty of it all. Hats off to Eldest’s old head teacher who saw the benefit of introduced theatre to the school at a young age too. Makes it accessible once they are adults.
Welcome back x I’m glad you managed to get out and about. I’ve done so myself this week and it’s made all the difference to my mood. I have also sown an acorn after taking my girls to the ballet for the first time this week. I’ve always loved ballet (my Dad did too, but only ever watched it on television) the first time I went to a performance was two years ago, and I’ve been to see four ballets now. Taking the girls was a risk but as it was The Nutcracker I thought they would enjoy it, and they did, they loved it.
Still loving the Christmas jumper xx
I love going to see ballet. Nutcracker is magical. Definitely an acorn or two sown, I reckon. Ha! Yes. I’ve not taken many photos recently, so a few recycled photos in this post. 😀
It all sounds lovely! we had to postpone our night out with friends till next year now but we are going out to lunch on Thursday as we both have the day off 🙂
Sounds like you get an extra meal out with your friend, so I call that a win!
How lovely to get out three times in the week and the theatre and cinema trip both sounded great. It’s a very long time since I watched or read any Shakespeare but that does sound like it was a good one to have watched and I’m glad that your younger two enjoyed parts of it even if it was outside their comfort zone. Love the needle felted figures to illustrate that story – that particular stage direction is about all I know of A Winter’s Tale! Hope that all went well with your middle teen’s drama exam too. #WotW
I think it’s the stage direction that sticks in your memory. It is fairly unusual.