School broke up this week. We are now in summer holiday mode. This makes a difference to precisely two members of the family, as the rest of us are working, but it’s still a nice change from some of the routine. I did suggest a holiday bucket list, which went down like a lead balloon. Ignoring the reaction, I am re-establishing game night and I’m sure I can drag them off to a crazy golf, but they are pretty good at entertaining themselves now. At least it gives me more time in the garden.
The garden is my retreat. I have favourite spots where I can sit quietly and disappear for a some much needed alone time. A little bit of bliss on my own. I had a deer walk past a few metres away from me recently, totally unaware that I was there. Proving that not even the wildlife can find me.
It’s not all sitting around though. Most of the time I’m weeding or watering and muttering at the crows and their pals, who insist on being un-gardeners. They seldom take me seriously. Mr TTC has been busy taking down branches and shrubs. The garden is looking lighter and larger in some areas.
Most excited to see my peppers are doing well. I love using the bullhorn type of peppers (sweet not chilli) in my cooking, more than the bell shaped ones. I know I shouldn’t count my chickens, but it looks like I should get a reasonable crop this year.
Little tomatoes are starting to appear too and we have a steady supply of cucumbers and lettuce. This time last year I had so many I couldn’t give enough cucumbers away. I’ve lost count of the number of basil plants on my bench, which I’ve started pinching out the tops.
A few years ago, Middle Teen expressed a desire for more flowers in our front garden. After decades of destructive puppies and inquisitive toddlers, it was a bit threadbare. So I dug a few flower beds and filled the borders with plants. I repeated the planting, every year since, as some plants flourished and others resolutely crumbled back into the earth.
Most successful are the roses and lavenders. Against all the odds, my dahlia (top photo and next) has survived and always gives a fabulous display, with multiple blooms. Admittedly it is in a large pot, wrapped in copper tape, making the pot mainly copper. The slugs and snails have given up all hope of ever crossing it.
Given free choice, time and a bucket load of money, I’d fill the garden with roses, lavender and geraniums. I have a huge soft spot for geraniums in terracotta pots. My collection overwinters in our conservatory/mudroom and is brought out as soon as the frost risk passes. Placed at focal points around the garden.
Anyway, the garden is looking beautiful this year and I’m loving pottering around, dead heading and yanking the bind weed out.

Not that I’ve spent all the week in the garden. Hero went for a physiotherapy appointment, which he has mixed thoughts about. It didn’t really help, or enlighten us about the cause of his neck pain. Back to the vets to see what they think.
Also had a trip to the orthodontist for youngest. I booked it on the penultimate day of school, by accident, as I thought he would have broken up by then. I should have checked the calendar. He hadn’t and he was rather pleased with my mistake, especially as he was on study leave in the afternoon. So no school that day, followed by a half day the next day. I’m sure he didn’t miss much.
That was my week. The children may be resisting the idea of a summer list, but I have my own. Hopefully, I’ll be checking off a few over the next few weeks. I’m glad the summer holidays are here at last.
Joining in with Anne’s word of the week linky.
Your garden sounds lovely and I especially like that you are rewarded with the blooms from your favourites. Nice that the ‘little ones’ can entertain themselves but I know the feeling of wanting to involve them in our lives a bit more. As long as they keep out of trouble I say. Hope the cause and remedy for the neck pain will be revealed soon… Enjoy the garden and have a great week ahead. Ps, thanks for the reminder about the use of copper tape, we should try it again next year.
Please come and look after my garden! Your flowers are so pretty. Mine is a jungle, someone mentioned no mow June, well I’ve had no mow June and July now! Poor Hero, I hope you find out what’s wrong him soon, maybe it will go away on it’s own. I’m glad you are making your own bucket list for summer.
Your flowers are beautiful! I love geraniums too.
Poor Hero! I hope he is on the mend soon. It’s awful when they are uncomfortable.
Hope you get to tick lots off your summer list, have fun.
It’s nice to be in summer holiday mode and how lovely to have time for yourself enjoying your favourite spots in the garden. Glad your crops are growing well. The flowers are so beautiful. #WotW