The jackdaws have gone. They fledged when none of us were looking. We only became aware of their absence when four jackdaw couples started a rumpus on the roof. It was reminiscent of a scene outside a much sought after flat in a fashionable part of London, which has just been put on the market. Strategic shoulder barging and hopping/slidding forward to jump the queue on our tiles. Language that you would not believe. Outcompeting each other in an attempt to secure the des res.
As potential neighbours go, they were unlikely candidates.
Jackdaws are interesting birds. Those with the highest status are entitled to the best nesting spots. Jackdaw law. There is a hierarchy. New kids on the block stand no chance. Scenes outside potential nests can get quite tense. I have no idea what grade the spot in our roof was, but it obviously was attracting attention.
Mr TTC quickly and temporarily blocked the hole, before work. The old nest materials need removing and a proper repair applied.
The penthouse is most definitely off the market.
We had our own offspring fledge the nest this week. Albeit, temporarily. School opened its doors to year 10 (14 to 15 year olds). They split the year into four groups, and each group goes back for one day each week.
Middle teen’s day is Tuesday. She is in a class with five others. Social distancing and the awkwardness of not interacting with others for so long, made it a strange day for all of them. They stayed in the same classroom with teachers coming to them. Break times, they had to stay in their groups and she didn’t even see any of the other classes.
How mad must that feel? All the bustle and noise of the school, she is used to, is stripped away. With over a thousand other people conspicuous by their absence. Reminds me of a scene out of a sci fi movie. Post apocolypse. Maybe a tad dramatic, but boy, it must be different.
She says that she is OK with it.
Hopefully, the next five weeks will prove helpful. She seems to be in one of the higher groups, so fingers crossed they can cover enough to make a dent in the work missed.
I’m not sure if the appearance of a regular, weekly fixture on our calendar has inspired me, but I have upped my game in the routine department. My half hearted attempt to follow the Organized Mum Method, has meant that Tuesday has been clean sheet day for some time. The rest has become a bit more haphazard, to say the least.
This week, I’ve meal planned and we’ve rejigged it so everyone is responsible for cleaning their own bedroom before schoolwork on a Wednesday. (I know. It’s only taken me three months to figure this one out.)
I’ve also given them the responsibility for cooking one evening meal a week. One meal from scratch. So far, youngest has cooked cannelloni and middle teen made chicken and chorizo pasta. Tonight, is Eldest teen’s turn. I’m determined that, before they leave home, they should all have a portfolio of meals they know like the back of their hand and can produce with confidence, without the use of a recipe book.
That’s the plan, at any rate.
It really has taken the pressure off me.
Talking of calendars, we reached another milestone. Eldest’s last A level exam would have been on Monday. She would have been free. Imagine the joy. Probably disappearing with her friends to celebrate. Instead the day slipped past like all the others. A damp squid or soggy fireworks, spring reluctantly to mind. Next event will be the exam results day for the exams that never took place. Weird times.
Also this is the week, Youngest would have been in France…..
(I should point out that everyone seems to be coping well. In fact I can hear laughter, real belly laughs, coming from the other end of the house, as I write this post.)
At least the garden is behaving normally. This week’s rain has brought my plants and weeds on at a sterling pace. Everything is flourishing. That is a tiny pumpkin above, from one of my Hundredweight pumpkins. The blackcurrants are ripening and ready to pick. I just need to persuade the woodpigeons to leave us some.
The weekend is now beckoning. So how has your week been? Did anyone else watch the Salisbury poisoning series? Wasn’t it good?
I’m joining in with Anne’s word of the week linky.

It’s a shame you couldn’t have charged rent for your penthouse! I don’t think my girl could cope with a school so different, routine is everything to her. They haven’t asked her to go in. I’m glad yours is coping well though. What a shame about the A levels though, so many celebrations and other stuff being missed. My year 8 was going to be having her first trip abroad next week. 🙁
I hate it when my kids cook. They can, and that’s good enough for me. But oh we have so much drama, and so much mess. I can’t cope sometimes. I’m not responsible for cleaning up their mess, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy with it.
I’m quite the opposite. I love the children cooking. I don’t mind playing sous chef, if needed. My year 8 was due to be in France last week. Such a big shame they missed out.
The return to school must have been strange for your teen. I’m glad your girl is OK with it.
It sounds like a good idea to share the chores out. It sounds like your kids are doing well with the cooking x
It will be change for all of them in September. She’s getting a little taste now.
The schools here are all closed for normal summer vacation. I wonder what our schools will look like when kids go back in September. Going to school one day a week in a class of 6 must seem very strange to your teenager.
Thanks for the lesson on jackdaws. I learned something new today! As always, your garden is inspiring.
It is very strange. I’m taking one of the others in soon, so I’ll see first hand.
your pictures are just beautiful! The meal planning reminds me that we haven’t done that in so long. Sigh. I keep meaning to do it and then it just gets away from me. But we did just order most of our meat for the year so that will be helpful. I’ll inventory it as it comes in and goes on to the freezer. Then we’ll know what we have and (hopefully) come up with a recipe! And I love the idea of having certain chores done on certain days. Chores seem to be a haphazard thing in our house. But maybe setting days to do certain things will be a good routine to have!
Not easy to do it all. I’m impressed at how organized you are with your meat order. I used to get a few months at a time. I’m still trying to find the right days for everything else. I’ll have this all nailed by the end of this crisis.