Enjoy – my word of the week

Bird looks on in dismay

I’m really into enjoying the small things, at the moment. Taking time to savour those moments that are sometimes lost among the more noisy, attention grabbing events. I want to smile at the dreaming hound at my feet, catch the merest hint of my new perfume, join in the laughter with my children. Silly dances. Funny songs. Squirrel antics. They all deserve my time to stop and enjoy. I want to take any opportunity to celebrate.

Squirrel on feeder

This week, we’ve celebrated. We managed to celebrate Burns night twice and Chinese new year once.

Chinese sweet and chopstick holders
White rabbit sweets and chopstick holders

Chinese New Year

We love joining in with Chinese New Year. Always a good excuse for a Chinese meal. This year, one of the children went to a party with her Chinese friend, so we popped into our nearest Chinese supermarket to pick up some goodies for her to take, and for us. She had fun making noodles and dumplings at the party. We also had a meal at home on the Saturday and watched Kung Fu Panda, which turned out to be a good choice.

Eldest patiently taught me how to say Happy New Year, but I suspect my rendition wasn’t so good. She has all the language skills in the family. Useful when I need to translate the side of a food packet.

Enjoy haggis, neeps and tatties
Haggis, tatties and neeps

Burns night

Four out of five of us love haggis. When we go up to Scotland I always point out the wee critters racing on the mountain side and tell the story about how they are caught, as told to me by a man in a fish and chip shop near Ayr. No-one believes me for a moment, but the story becomes more elaborate every time I tell them, so I haven’t given up hope. I do enjoy a good story.

We managed to celebrate Burns night twice, this year. I’d like to put it down to my tall tales, but it’s more to do with the actual haggis. Chieftain of the pudding race, as it’s called. Eldest was back over the weekend, in between her exams. She was heading North before Burns night, so I slaughtered a fattened haggis before she left. Unfortunately, it was the night that her sibling was out, so we had another haggis, neeps and tatties on Burns night. It’s tough keeping everyone happy. Of course, as we are not all haggis lovers, one person hated it each time, but I’ll take my wins when I can.

pumpkin cut up

I also decided to cut up one of my homegrown pumpkins, this week. Only one remaining now. There would have been two left, but one exploded in a dramatic way in storage. I cannot begin to tell you about the mess. Seriously, I’m only just over it. Anyway, this pumpkin is destined for soup, risotto and maybe cake. We’ll see.

Apart from the unpassable roads due to ice and thick fog this week, I think that is it. Bit quieter than our journey up North, last week. Hope you enjoy your weekend.

Joining in Anne’s Word of the Week linky



  1. The small things sometimes are the best. I had forgotten all about Chinese new year but we’re making up for it tomorrow and we’re getting a Chinese takeaway. Hooray for celebrating Burns night twice and that pumpkin looks fab. x

  2. We celebrate Burns night every year as it’s my son’s birthday! I don’t think I’ve ever tried haggis though. We did have a Chinese Take Out this week and it was rather nice, we tried a new restaurant. I like taking time to enjoy the little things.

    1. I love a January birthday. My Grandmother had her birthday in January and I often think how lovely it must have been to look forward to and celebrate especially when she was a child.

  3. We celebrated both Chinese New Year and Burns Night. I made Chicken Chow Mein and then on Burns Night I also caught a Haggis to cook 🙂 An exploding pumpkin sounds like a good tale for Halloween! It’s nice to enjoy the little things

    1. Yes! These festivals need to be celebrated. Haggis are best caught fresh. 😀 I’m not sure I’m over the exploding pumpkin enough to tell it as a tale yet, but maybe by Halloween!

  4. Lovely to stop and enjoy the little things. Sometimes I need to slow down and do more of that too. Love your photos of the squirrel. Lovely to celebrate Chinese New Year and Burns Night. I’m the only one in our house who likes haggis but I always have it for Burns Night. Well done on managing to catch one for your Burns Night dinner, lol! An exploding pumpkin sounds very messy. #WotW

    1. I’m glad you have your haggis on Burns night. It does seem to be a bit like marmite. Maybe you’ll win the rest of the family over one day.

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