If this week could be summed up as an ice cream, I’d go for a blue raspberry ripple, with a touch of star anise, served in a hand thrown ceramic bowl. No sprinkles. That would just be over the top. Eaten with a chocolate spoon. Familiar mixed with the unusual, with a dash of rustic.
We’ve had our first full week of the Easter holidays. It has been a lovely relaxing week, which they all needed. Although, I’ll never quite understand how they seem to sink into the routine of getting up earlier than they would be on a school day and taking themselves off to bed at a reasonable hour, but I’m not complaining.

Out and about
Limited travel means that we can only go on local day trips. I’ve been looking forward to going down to the Somerset Levels again. I miss our walks down there. We headed off to pick up our favourite Cheddar strawberries (from the Cheddar area, not made of cheese) and an ice cream, over the weekend. It was good to see the familiar after all this time.
Today, both of the older teens are off to see their friends. It feels like life is opening up again, even if it is still restricted.
I’ve found a source of Cornish seafood, which makes me very happy. We love seafood and I always associated it with holiday time. I’m pleased to be supporting a fairly local company too. We ordered mussels and king prawns, and made a couple of meals and froze the rest of the prawns for another day. I’ll try the fish next time.
Middle teen made the Easter cake. I like that she side stepped the tradition pastel colours and added more colour.
We don’t go over the top with Easter, especially now the children are older. We do still have an quick Easter egg hunt around the garden and a Lindt chocolate egg each.
This year, the older teens asked for language books. Oldest has decided to learn Georgian (the language, not the historical period), which has been on her list for a while. We got her a beginners book and seeing her practise the lettering is something else.
Middle coupled her love of graphics and need to practise her French with Strawberry Moon (affiliated link). It’s a comic book translated from Spanish to French and just perfect to encourage her to practise. Although I suspect there has been more drawing than reading, so far.
Youngest was not left out. He did get the socks above. I think he is more taken by the idea of the new clothes that I’ve just ordered. If I look for long enough, I can actually see him growing. He’s almost as tall as his oldest sister now, much to her dismay.
It seems a long way off from the Easters where they were happy with their various chocolate eggs and fluffy bunnies. Language learning, it seems, is the new chocolate.
We’ve changed our morning walk to make it more challenging. We now include a steep hill through a field, which gives Hero more chance to sniff around. I’m finding it easier to do than I did last summer when we used to take this route, which shows my fitness must be improving.
I did go for another run with Middle Teen. It was an easier route, but I didn’t enjoy it as much. Not sure why, but I don’t think my head was in to it. We’re going to go back to the first route and start following the Couch 2 5k system. Hopefully it will motivate me more.

One more week of the holiday to go. I’m hoping to take some time off and do a bit more with the children, although they seem to be organising visits to see friends on their own, so maybe I’ll get my sewing machine out instead. Or make some blue raspberry ice cream, maybe.
Joining in with Anne’s word of the week. I’m going with “different”.
Sounds like you’ve had a lovely start to the Easter holidays. It is nice to feel that life is opening up again even though it is still restricted. Love the Easter cake your middle teen made – that icing is lovely and bright. Georgian sounds like an interesting language to learn. That parrot tulip is pretty – I don’t think I’ve ever seen one before. #WotW
It is a pretty tulip. I’m hoping the outside ones open up soon.
It’s nice to do different things now that some of the restrictions are lifting. Love the colour of the cake! Those socks made me smile.
It’s a great colour. We’re having fun with a few different icing colours at the moment.
George Carlin used to do a routine about blue food – that there isn’t any.
Lovely parrot tulip!
I watched a clip of him doing this routine. He is very funny. Thank you for introducing me to his humour.
We have indulged in chocolate cake with blue buttercream on many occasions thanks to it being a favourite of my Boo. It’s nice to do things a little different sometimes, even if they don’t work out. I do love the socks though.
I love blue cakes too.
I love the look of the blue-covered chocolate cake. Love the socks they made me giggle. It is nice being able to go out a little bit further locally. The world is slowly opening up again that’s for sure #WotW
It surely is!