It is cold. I feel such a wimp saying this, as November usually isn’t too bad. I know I’m not imagining it as the “Icy road ahead” warning has flashed up on my car dashboard twice this week. Twice. In November. It does that at 3°c. The warning is accompanied by an alarming series of sudden, loud bongs, which I instantly think means my engine has a fatal error. Instant death. I jump. I can’t help it and probably not the best thing to do when driving on potentially icy roads.
Honestly, I don’t think the car manufacturers have thought this through.
Couldn’t they start quiet and build the noise up?
Luckily both times, I was driving cross country, back from school, after picking one or other daughter up from an early evening event. Always in the dark now. It’s Ok. I did have it under control.
It was cold. The car had it right.
We’ve had our heating on more too. I relented. Extra blankets on the beds and wood burner lit. There have been a couple of mornings when the ground has been crunchy with frost on our dog walk. I love the freshness of days like that. The oak leaves are still holding on to their branches and providing a beautiful, subtle colour display. Outlined in touches of spikey frost.
Then Thursday arrived and provided the final proof that we’ve hit a cold spell. We had snow. We woke up to the most convincing, big flakes of snow. In Somerset, in November, this is a fairly unusual event, but there it was. White. All over the fields.
It didn’t last long. Gone by lunchtime.
Completely unexpected.
Time to bring out more blankets. Dig out the gloves and hats. Quickly finish sewing another quilt.
(any excuse, really.)
Maybe, just maybe, I should tidy up the garden ready for winter. My bean plants have toppled over with their poles, so that is a job for the weekend.
Joining in with Anne’s word of the week linky. My word is “cold”. I’m really hoping not to use “colder” any time soon.

Wow! I bet that was a bit of a shock waking up to snow. It’s been bitterly cold here too. Our stove and fires have been burning constantly all week and the blankets are out for when we get on the sofa to watch TV.
Hope you have a lovely weekend. x
Ugh! Snow on the pumpkin? Too soon. I am not a big fan of winter and the older I get, the less I look forward to it. Your garden does look beautiful under a blanket of while, though!
It’s ruddy freezing! We moved further down south during the summer from Northumberland and it was said to be colder up north but no way, it’s much colder in North Lincolnshire!
The noises from your car must be quite a shock, you’re right, not exactly what you need on icy roads.
I do like the frosty mornings though as long as the sun comes out a bit later. hehehe
Oh wow! How amazing you had snow this early. Eek!
I’ve felt the cold too, but no snow, that’s a shock! We did have a whole day of persistent heavy rain which worried me as my garden is prone to becoming a bog at the slightest downpour, but it seems the drainage has got better over the years and we didn’t end up with a muddy swimming pool. We live next to a canal and I have never worried about that flooding, but after seeing what happened in Venice, it make me think what if it did. I dont know if we have a freezing weather noise on our car, we only got it in the summer, I guess time will tell.
it really did get cold for many of us suddenly! Stay warm!
I wish we had a wood burner to warm us up in this cold weather – no snow here yet though, it must have come as quite a surprise!