To badly quote. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a child at the start of their summer holiday must be in want of a few days relaxation. It is certainly true of my merry band. They all pretty much collapsed and were beyond doing much.
The first proper day off, I took two of them to the library. One refused to budge, although she loves reading. So I sent photos of the library shelves from my phone. That was enough for her to text back the books she would like me to bring home for her. She ended up borrowing the most. Sometimes, slightly devious ways have to be adopted.
(library books read and ready to go back to the library)
Youngest is the only one who can officially join in the library challenge this year. (Read six books and collect a prize) It’s for eleven year olds and below. We do it most years. Mainly as it’s such a good way to start the holiday off as we mean to go on. The other two are providing moral support by picking books from the library (either in person or from a distance) and reading along with him.
There is a lot of reading going on. Partly helped by revisiting screen time rules. Initiated by the children, which…and you may want to sit down before you read this next part….means less time but spread throughout the day.
I know. I keep checking. There is no catch and they are sticking to it.
Apart from the reading, and less screen time, they have been drawing, going through the board games and playing cards. Most of the time nicely. On my summer list is to play more card games with them. This month, I’ve taught them a couple of easy ones. Go Fish and Old Maid. To get them started. We’ll move on to something a bit more involved next.
While the children have broken up for the holiday, I have not. Fortunately, I can shut myself away in my office, at the side of the house, and appear in time to eat the muffins they have kindly made and organize meals for my ever hungry
gannets growing children. When I venture back into the house, I’m greeted by a chorus of “Go Fish”, find they’ve retuned the radio from Radio 4 to Kiss, and turned the kitchen table into a card playing den.
They are growing up.
It seems my friends have kicked off their shoes and are relaxing. As I sat working at my desk, two of them texted to say they had recovered from the end of term and were in full holiday mode. Within half an hour of each other. Thanks.
My turn soon.
Having the children home has its uses. Apart from the supply of muffins. The Teen helped by taking photos of me wearing my latest handmade dress. Blue joined in too.
It is the one disadvantage of making clothes for me. I can’t be on both sides of the lens at the same time. It’s frustrating. I like the control. In the absence of a body double, I hand over the camera and hope. I think she did well. Apart from accidently making me stand on an ant nest, it all went without a hitch.
(spaghetti squash and cucumber in abundance in the garden, Blue keeping me company in the office, latest sewing and first apples nearly ready)
They’ve enjoyed a relaxing week. Next week, I’ll take more time off and hopefully it will be a bit more active.
Joining in with #wotw
Ah yes, definitely the opposite to me, we get to the more chilled-out period in the next week or so – I hope! Hope you can relax and join them soon. I tend to work throughout the holidays, grabbing snippets of time here and there when they are otherwise occupied. Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
I’ve found it is easier to fit in work now they are older. They are happy for me to work whole days and then I’m free to spend other days with them. Hope you get your chilled time.
It does sound like a relaxing week. I can actually remember that stage myself (which was a long time ago,) breaking up from school and needing to chill out. The following weeks would be spent going out with friends, shopping, tennis, anything just to get out and make the most of the sunshine. I used to read a lot too, but there were no screens in those days (apart from the tv, and even then I was only interested in Saturday morning shows.
I love your dress, well done, and the photos are great too!
What lovely memories. I remember Saturday morning TV. It was the best….and only choice. They have a lot more to distract them now. Thank you. I’m pleased with the dress, except I need to take it in a bit more.
We have had a relaxed week here too….I think it’s just what we needed after the excitement of school finishing.
I forgot all about the reading challenge at the library….My teen is too old but my youngest could still join in.
Oh yes. I’m sure she’d enjoy it. Animal Agents this year. The library challenge is perfect for the younger ones. I love the incentive it gives and helps to make reading a habit.
I too have and a relaxed week, so tired from school. My eldest is doing the reading challenge, it is first one and he absolutely loves it! X #wotw
Screen time is still an issue for us….. I’ve been at work today (in an empty school) and when I got home discovered my son had been on his phone/Xbox all day, despite me leaving a couple of things for him to do! Ggggrrrr. I dragged him out of the house for some fresh air!
I need to listen have over-scheduled activities for everyone – trying to still blog and filled with anxiety.i need to chill out
My two like to chill once school has finished and to be honest they are happiest playing out in the back garden – which is great and cheaper for me LOL!
Sounds like a great start to the holidays! This week I also played a lot of card games and I would recommend Gin Rummy and Beggar thy Neighbour as two good ones!
Sounds like your children have had a lovely relaxing week and I love the sound of all the card playing. I have so many happy memories of spending hours playing card games as a child. Hope you can take time out next week to relax too
We only finished on Thursday so are still in chill out mode. I have to fit work in around the holidays too but my little bookworm is happy once she’s got her nose in a book so I use that time. I hope that you will get some chill out time soon :o)