Quick update on yarn projects and books. New project to share.
I’ve made progress with my sock knitting. Nearing the toes, so hopefully a finished sock by next week and, fingers crossed, the second one starting.
My harlequin shawl has grown my 10 rows. It’s lurking in the back on my photo, just so I don’t forget it. It may be some time before a ta-da on that one.
I started a new crochet project. An Easter cushion. Technically, I’d already made three of these squares, which were leftover from my daisy blanket. I love these colours together. They remind me of spring. I thought the combination of daisies and spring colours would be perfect for an Easter cushion cover. Also, I needed to work with some brighter colours!
It is a fairly easy pattern, so I can crochet and be sociable at the same time, unlike my knitting. Great for car journeys. I never feel confident knitting in the car, with pointy needles.
I’m reading the Asimov collection of sci-fi stories. Each story is written by a different person. As a teen, I read bookshelves of sci-fi and then moved on to sci-fi/fantasy. I had forgotten how good sci-fi, by itself, can be. I find myself wondering what happened next, or how would I have dealt with it.
Escapism? Yes, but also thought-provoking. I can’t help thinking that it gives the author a chance to put human life in a test tube and alter an element or two, to see what happens. While preserving the laws of physics and human nature. Being short stories, I can limit myself to one story at a time, and squeeze in more reading time, which works perfectly.
So what are you reading and yarning up, at the moment? No yarn along to join in with anymore, but I thought I’d post one all the same. Linking up with Nicole over at Frontier Dream. #KCCO
I love the squares you crocheted for the Easter cushion so far! They say Spring to me! hopefully you finish the sock that is a good feeling. Hope you enjoy your book! I am reading The Nest, and knitting a sock as well, and continuing to knit the front piece of a sweater. Have a good day! I am sad that the Yarn Along is finished, but I posted what I am reading and knitting on my blog too
Thanks Lisa. Your knitting sounds good and I’m looking forward to hearing your review of The Nest.
Oh I LOVE your sock!!!! And your crochet. My fingers are ITCHING. Love it all:) and I do see your shawl peeking out back there. Lovely colors!
Thank you, Deborah. Need to finish it all now. Suspect the cushion cover will be the first.
My book at the moment is ‘Black Out’ by Marc Elsberg, quite scary in a way as its about a terrorist attack on the electricity all over europe and usa. It gives you a lot to think about as it could in reality happen. Until we really think about it we don’t realise just what would happen if the electricity just stopped but this book tells you clearly that it would be catastrophic.
As for craft, I am nearing the end of my latest glasses case and have just started another pair of socks, also making crochet hearts in the style of Tammy (T’s Daily Treasures) to leave in various places that I visit. Just a bit of fun and some people who find them might get a bit of joy from them.
I am definitely looking up your book. What a fascinating concept. Looking forward to seeing your case finished. What a wonderful idea to bring joy by leaving random hearts. Love it!
Knitting and crochet projects! I’d get all kurfuddled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sci Fi stories by Asimov sounds wonderful!
Knitting and crocheting do compliment each other well, surprisingly well. Loving the sci-fi stories.