Maybe this week is the lull before the storm, but I’m just not feeling the festive vibe.
Work-wise, December is always a short month. Trying to get anything done for the last two weeks of the year is next to impossible as no-one is around. Does mean this week, the pressure is on to get as much sorted as possible, because there are deadlines. Difficult to feel the festive spirit. Especially when you work from home. Please tell me I’m not alone.
No school events to help chivvy me along either. The school does have a carol service at the local church, one evening. We’ve not gone before, as it usually clashes with another school event. Not this year. Maybe we will go this time.
One trying moment this week was that the school has redesigned their report system to a benchmark and traffic light style. I lost one day this week, just trying to get to the bottom of it, as it told me nothing. Even worse, it was misleading. I wasn’t alone. Seems they were inundated with parents emailing and phoning.
In an attempt to win a bit of festive feeling, we did go back to the Bath Christmas market. This time in the light. A different atmosphere to the evening visit, but still fun. We had hot chocolates and mulled cider. Bought ourselves a paper star decoration. I’ve filled it with a string of fairy lights. It stores flat, so easy to pack away each year. A definite plus.
I’ve also been testing out some festive baking. Everyone loves it when they come home to find the Christmas tins full of mince pies and shortbread. It’s a tough job, but someone has to be my taste testing guinea pigs.
Things to make me smile
– The children are getting older but they still insist on having the elf points out each year. I made these years and years ago. Twenty magnetic, embroidered felt points in total.
– Running through maths homework with my son and seeing him jumping ahead of me, as I tried to explain. He didn’t need it. He solved it like I would. I can see this subject being a strength for him. (happy dance from maths geek mother!)
– Playing around with the lights and my camera. I do love fairy lights.
– My shopping being delivered by an elf.
– Painting my nails red. I never paint my nails, but I treated myself to a beauty advent calendar for the first time and am enjoying pampering myself for once.
– Playing board games after school and hearing the laughter.
Seeing as its Christmas jumper day, thought I’d share last years jumper once more. Youngest designed it and I helped to put it together. No jumpers to make this year, but I think this one is still my favourite, so glad we went out at the top!
Joining in with Anne’s word of the week linky. My word is trying.
Raisie Bay – Word of the Week
I’m off to the Christmas markets tomorrow to try and get into the Christmas spirit. I’ve also got a school play to look forward to next week. I’m hoping that by the time my friend come around next Thursday night the Christmas spirit will be in full swing (well, the vodka probably will be *wink*)
I love the star, how pretty, I do love the twinkly Christmas lights too. I remember your fab Christmas jumper last year, my lad has gone in his Sister’s jumper from last year as he has grown so big. She’ll be wearing it next week…well, I’m not buying anymore until they don’t fit! Thanks for joining in with #Wotw xx
I love the Christmas jumper and the star. All that Christmas baking sounds blissful and I love the idea of the elf points system – what a fun thing to do. That report system sounds very confusing for everyone. It can be so frustrating with things change like that. #WotW
Ahh! Now that my youngest is at secondary school it’s all about work and no fun! All that’s happening is a Christmas jumper day next week!
The Christmas market sounds like fun! I don’t think I am going to get chance to visit one this year. Hmmf!
I love the sound of your festive baking. We are making mince pies over the weekend!
It’s lovely to see that your children have grown attached to the things you have made. Those elf points are a wonderful idea. I hope my girls love the things I’ve made them. #MMBC
I’ve never painted my nails red, my toes, yes but I haven’t taken that leap. I think the sad state of my nails has never deserved red.
Woot, woot for the sweater! I lovvvveee it! This time of year is always up for grabs emotion wise, I have found that the smell of baking ham and cookies helps. Not at the same time though, that would be too much for me to handle.
Right now I’m watching a country Christmas parade which is pretty amusing. Some old coot is singing about a waffle house Christmas and daddy settin’ the tree on fire.
I got sick the weekend after Thanksgiving and am just getting to be myself again. I’ve missed loads of things that give me the Christmas spirit. Wishing you a great next 2 weeks of December – hope you get everything done! #MMBC
I know what you mean I really the dislike the traffic light system its so impersonal and gives no room for personality. Its almost not worth the paper its written on. And yes I miss all the primary school activities room, but thinking I may do a christingle this year so I get my carole fix. Omg I want an elf to deliver my shopping that’s fab x