Try – word of the week

Try as I might, I’ve not made it to this space for the past few months. I’ve missed it. There have been craft projects made and gifted before I’ve remembered to photograph them. Lots of socks and scarves. One of my aims last year was to knit as many socks as I could, ready for gifting. I did it. Filled a small box full of woolly toe warmers.

Now I can start again and maybe share the photos this time next year.

Gym kit
Loving my new Sweaty Betty leggings


I’m not a great one for new year resolutions. September always feels more of a natural fresh start for me, but January is the time new starts are made including fitness classes. I’ve been going to the gym nine months now and I still love it. I find I am more productive during the working day after exercising in the morning.

Along with the gym, I’ve been going to weekly fitness classes too. I’ve tried many, but stuck to yoga, pilates and “Legs, tums and bums” (or pure torture as I call it). This January, I’m picking up my game and I thought I’d try a dance class and strength training.

The dance class turns out to be as much fun as I thought it would be. It is one of the wellbeing courses that the local council run. All the sweeter for being free. I’ve been to one so far. Everyone is friendly and they really don’t care if you’re rhythmically challenged or don’t know your lefts from your rights. They are a chatty lot too and included me straight away. Lots of laughter.

The strength training is a class I’ve wanted to try for a while, but hadn’t plucked up the courage. When I go to the gym, I absolutely steer clear of the free weights area, as I have no clue. So far, I’ve had two lessons. While my legs and core are strong, my arms are excruciatingly weak, which I understand is common in women. It’s a bit embarrassing when the instructor lowers the weights when it is my turn, but I’m persevering.

Try to run up the hill.
Found on recent walk


No finished crafting to show today, but several projects on the go. I’ve started a blue jumper for youngest (top photo), who picked out the wool before the holiday break. It’s an easy project to click-click away at, while watching TV in the evening. Upstairs project, I’m knitting socks. A red sock with black and white tweed for the heel and toes.

Woodpecker eating peanuts in the sleet


With the decorations down and packed away, January feels like the time to try and thin other areas of the house down. Yesterday, we took six bags of books to Oxfam. Half came from Youngest’s bookcase. He has kindly been hanging on to some of the much loved childhood books, passed down from his older sisters, but are definitely far too young for him. We went through them all, kept some and bagged others for the charity shop. His bookcase has space for books that interest him now. I can’t wait to see what he puts on the shelves.

I’ve also emptied one kitchen cupboard of all the “I’ll sort it out sometime” clutter, which puts me in a good mood.

If I look cute and can try for a Bonio
If I look cute, I might get a Bonio

Last week of the winter break for us. Next weekend, we take the two older ones back to University to start their second semesters, and it will seem so quiet with just the three of us and the hound again. He will mope. Possibly me too. There is always so much laughter and things going on when they are all home. I’m going to make the most of everyone being under the same roof for one more week.

Looking forward to catching up and joining Anne’s word of the week linky. I’m back!

Word of the Week linky

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