When Homecrafts Direct sent a couple of jute photo bags, it set me off thinking what I could use them for. There are two sizes. Each bag has a flat pocket in the front for a photo, with a protective cover. Very neat as the opening can be sealed up to keep the photo in place.
So easy to personalise your bag. They are lovely bags with strong handles. The small bag can fit a 6″ x 4″ photo, while the larger bag has a pocket for a 8″ x 6″ photo. It struck me that the pockets would be perfect for other flat things too. So how about a gift bag, with instructions included.
Even the small bag is quite roomy and large enough to take my two cookie mix jars from yesterday. The recipe can be included on the gift label in the front pocket, so it doesn’t get lost. Would make a lovely present for a teacher, making it easy for them to transport it home.
If I was standing in the supermarket queue and spotted this bag, I think it would make me smile. How many times does this happen? I find myself explaining to the cashier, as I ask for a bag to top up my reusable bags, that I only popped out for a few items.
Maybe a more practical solution. Add a general shopping list in the pocket. Before you go out, use a wipe-away pen to cross out the items you don’t need and to add anything extra. Prop the bag up in the shopping trolley and then swipe out each item as you pick it up. How organised would that be? The bag would be a brilliant size for carrying back breakfast cereal boxes, milk and a loaf of bread. (Plus maybe a few little extras that weren’t on the list – this is why I need to ask for the extra carrier bags. )
As a person who likes to take her latest knitting or sewing project on a trip, this bag would be perfect. I could slip the knitting instructions in the pocket and the extra balls of wool, along with the knitting on the needles. No more crumpled instructions, lurking unusable at the bottom of the bag.
Also works for patchwork. When I’m handsewing a quilt, I like to lay out all the pieces, take a photo and then refer to it as I sew it together. I have no room to leave it laid out. I could slip the photo in the pocket for reference and store the patchwork pieces in the bag. Everything at hand when I need it. Wherever I go.
Or how about the perfect frame for a child’s art. I think that this is my favourite. Plenty of room for a soup themos, bread roll and a muffin banana.
Not that those are the only ideas. You could slip in:
a college timetable (I could have done with this)
a favourite quote
a drawing
a poem
pretty fabric (which might be handy if you need to match a colour scheme when you are out and about)
a picture of a lego set and then store the lego in the bag
an advert for your business
an inspirational picture
….. but not a cuddly toy or your purse. The pocket is only suitable for a single sheet or card.
So many ideas, but I’m sure there are more. You could even pop a photo in.
Now the lovely people at HomeCraft sent me an extra pair of bags to give away to one of my blog readers. A large black bag and a small pink one. Don’t you love the sample pictures in the little bag? Contents are not included.
If you think you could give these two bags a good home, even if it is the first time you’ve visited or you’ve been silently reading, then:
- Leave a comment on this post before the end of Sunday 20th January, telling me what you would insert in the pockets. Feel free to borrow one of my ideas.
- Make sure I can contact you if you win.
- Only open to those with a UK postal address (or a willing relative with a UK postal address!)
- The winner will be randomly selected on Monday 21st January.
Good luck!
Giveaway now closed.
(Just wanted to add that I found Homecraft very easy to deal with. My first parcel went missing. They speedily sent me another parcel, with a named delivery driver. First time I’ve been sent an email with the delivery hour slot and the person’s name! If you are looking for craft supplies, Homecraft have got an excellect range – and, although the bags were sent to me free of charge, I’m not being paid to say it.)
Wow, they are great (will take a look at Homecraft too).
Love the idea of the knitting pattern in there for a take with you project bag. All your ideas are great with these, love them.
Thank you for sharing and the opportunity in your giveaway xxx
That’s a great idea, all my jute bags end up somewhere else, young adult children think everything is fair game
I’d put a photo in to say mom’s bag, and yes I’m a lurker I’m not so good with the internet yet, but I’ll get there, thanks for an interesting read, 
I love the idea of putting my shopping list in the pocket, wouldn’t lose it then
My daughters would love these – I can see them filling the frames with pictures and pressed flowers
I love the ‘I only popped out for milk’ so because I do that all the time I’d probably say that, if I’m feeling generius though it might go as a gift bag to one of the granny’s with a picture/ handprints from my kids in it.
Love the bags, just found your blog at Crafty cats Corner and thought I would pop over and say hello and visit with you!
I would put in a label saying ‘ IT’S SAFE IN HERE! Then I would hang it on the back of the kitchen door and use it to pop in things iIwant to ‘keep safe’ for a short time, like bills to pay and a scarf left behind by someone, BD cards ready to write and post next week.
Hi Cheryl
I think I might make a custom piece of crazy patchwork for the pockets.
I like the idea of filling them with all the bits and pieces of a crafty project and a Birthday card in the pocket…I know just who I would give it to as well!
Great bags, they look strong too. I love all your ideas, and it would be quite fun to alternate inserts. I like the idea of a shopping list, I am very forgetful, but then the message idea is fun too, it would make me chuckle if I saw it! I am in desperate need of a home for all my sewing bits, so that could be a good use too, with a list of new projects as the insert. So many uses, I might just have to pop over to Homecrafts and stock up!
love these bags and I have to say that I would make mini scrapbook pages of my kids and our two cats to put in the photo slot. Either that or my shopping list. Just found your blog and i love your ideas x
I have been thinking to start crocheting this year so I would use the big bag for crochet magazines and the small bag for wool and crochet bits and pieces for when i go to my mums Wednesdays for our crafty days, my mum is a big knitter
I would probably put photos of my mum and daughter and my cats in the pockets
My niece loves to draw so would put one of her pictures in it and use as a present for her mum who loves to use jute bags as refuses to use plastic bags!
they are lovely i would put my shopping lists in there as i am always losing them xx