I think there comes a tipping point, for my weekly calendar. One moment it’s all plain sailing. Auto pilot engaged. The next, I’m in full organization overdrive mode. Ping pong bats in hand*, I direct and remind. Deliver and do. Repeatedly. I suspect it ties up with a certain percentage of writing covering those little day squares. Yes, little squares. My tactic. Prevents too much being added. My motto is that if it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening. Little squares equal less room for writing. Of course, writing has been known to shrink….
Saturday, Eldest and Mr TTC headed up to London for a university visit. We did wonder if the Brexit protest marches would hamper the journey, but London is a big place. They seem to miss it. Eldest tried out a few taster sessions, while her father made the most of being on the doorstep of the British Museum, which oddly has been cropping up as adverts on my social media ever since. Never before. Funny that….
*Not really, but I often wonder if it would help.
Sunday, we headed off to visit family. Squeezing in a trip to buy football boots and trousers.
The rest of the week has been carried on in the same vein. Forms to fill. Deposits to pay. Different kit required. After school activities switching days to confuse me. Last parents evening for Eldest, which is monumental in itself. Also the week all teachers need to squeeze in last tests, it seems. I acted as chief cheerleader too. They can do it.
(and collapse)
In between, I’ve been processing the garden produce. Storing and preparing. My freezer and pantry shelves are looking impressive. I have five pumpkins waiting to find a more suitable storage place than by the garden door. Is it just me or does that area of the house, which is just by the outside door, sum life up too well? Bags in background are now gone. They were the result of recycling textiles. Wet garden clogs for those quick jobs outside. Geraniums brought in ahead of the frost. Scooter not put away. Again. Never ending cleaning required.
I know I’m not alone.
So where am I going with this one? And what is the blog title about? Quite simply, the children break up for half term holiday today. A week and a bit of no school. Time to regroup and fill in all the forms, we are yet to tackle. Thank goodness it’s half term (TGIHT).

It sounds like the uni visit went well.
Those apple & custard mini pies look amazing!
It sounds like a very busy week for you! Have a fab half term. We’re just finishing our week off school & college. x
It’s the juggling!
Wow! It’s all systems go for you!
Those apple and custard mini pies are calling me.
Have a fab half term. You deserve it! x
They are everyone’s favourite. I can’t make them fast enough.
Yes, our half-term too: a mixed blessing!! But welcome as the kids have been busy, especially our daughter who is acting in a play and in a musical!!! Panic stations over lines still to be learned and all that. Be glad when they are both over!! #WotW
Hope the line learning went well.
Oh I love that idea of using really small squares! I always use my phone for lists and we all know there is infinite space on there! Easier to delete and pretend they were never there in the first place too though
Interesting tactic. I think I’d soon be found out though.
Those apple custard mini pies look absolutely delicious! And your fall garden photos are beautiful! Are you sorry to see gardening season end or is it a relief for gardening work to be almost over for the year?
Definitely a relief. I need to stop, recharge and then start all over again in the spring.
I fill up those little calendar squares too, and have reminders on my phone. It’s been a strange month with no hospital for me. We have the side of the house which gather’s the clutter of our life. I don’t get out there too often but when I did a couple of months ago I had to give hubby a good telling off and he had to make a few trips to the local tip. All those things I thought he’d disposed of responsibly he’d just piled up around the side, out of view. We had to get rid of four mattresses this week. I insisted they went straight away…no storing around the side. I’m glad it’s half term too, but we seem to have more plans than ever this week! Most are nice things though, pottery painting and pumpkin carving included.
Clutter definitely attracts more clutter.
Oh I could not agree more! I’ve had school forms coming out of my ears, not to mention the courses and letters I’ve had to go on for the school I work at. The if it’s not on the calendar rule applies in my house too!
Back for more next week, I’m sure.
What a busy week. Glad the uni visit went well. Your cottage entrance reminds me of my hallway – it can get a bit like that too (just minus the pumpkins!) I wondered what your word of the week would turn out to mean! Have to admit I’m relieved for half-term too. Hope you are having a good one
Thank you! Smiling at the “minus the pumpkins”.