As a general rule, I quite like odd. Not so much the out-there, making-a-statement odd. More the quiet, and slightly out of the ordinary. Often thought provoking. Not conforming, but not shouting it in your face either. The type that could easily be overlooked, if you happen to be looking the wrong way. That kind of odd. I squeeze a bit of it into my crafting, because it tickles me.
(This is a long post. I’d make a cup of something before you go much further. It’s a bit of a saga. Otherwise, just whizz down, looking at the photos. There are a couple of spring flowers to enjoy. It’s OK. I understand.)
My week has been odd. In little ways. Happening around and to me, rather than of my own creation. Definite surreal moments.
Let me set the scene. There is a general rhythm to my weeks and days. Ensuring everything runs tickety-boo for the family. Left to my own devices, it would probably look different, but I have others to think about.
Then there was this week.
It started on Monday. I got up early and had the house organized, before everyone was up. I am a morning person. I count it as a success if I have the surfaces clear and all the machines (washing, dryer and dishwasher) on the go, before anyone appears for breakfast. Hopefully fitting in a cup of tea and a little crocheting. I’d be ready to sit down and work as soon as I got home from the school run. A good start…..I thought.
(Easter crochet cushion cover in progress. Experimenting with a touch of purple.)
As I headed back from school, I decided to take the route through the woods home. It would be muddy admittedly, but I could let the hound off and take a quiet walk home, listening to the birds. What could be better? I might even spot the bullfinches again.
Just as we reached the narrow, slippy part before the woodland path, we encountered a loose dog, that I’d not seen before. It was huge. A giant, fluffy, black dog heading towards us. Not what I was expecting. The usual Westie or a Spaniel maybe, but not a fully grown Newfie. Looming out of the woods. Now that was something unreal.
It’s OK. I’m used to big dogs. We have big dogs and I grew up with Pyrenean Mountain dogs, so I wasn’t spooked. The problem was that this dog was on his own. I listened for shouting. I checked the path, expecting to see an owner running down, waving a lead. Surely a dog this size couldn’t be out alone. But he was. No collar either. Odd. At least he was a friendly soul.
(Very old photo of one of our Pyreneans with me. Not the dog in the woods.)
Cut a long story, a bit shorter, over an hour later, we were able to reunite the dog with its owner. Thanks to the help of a lot of passer-bys. It appears he is new to the area and likes to take himself for a walk. Unfortunately, this includes a section of road with a bend. Something tells me, it’s not the last time we’ll encounter this one.
The same day, I arranged to meet up with a friend for lunch. To catch up. She suggested the soup lunch at our local pre-school. Neither of us have children of that age, but heck, why not? It was fabulous to chat to her. It’s always too long between meeting up with her.
There was something, however, a tad surreal about talking career and business plans with her, while sitting on chairs only a few inches off the floor. With 3 and 4 year olds rushing around and serving plastic jaffa cakes (very realistic!) on plates to us and wanting to share their party plans. There was a moment when I had to explain to a three year old why it was probably better that I won the bottle of wine in the raffle, rather than him. Judging by his bottom lip, I’m not sure he was convinced.
There was yummy (real) soup as well, I hasten to add.
(flower inspired craft inspiration)
Wednesday, was orthodontist day for the Teen. Her braces were removed over Christmas and she now has a beautiful smile. This was a check up. The car ride over is usually tense, as she really doesn’t like going. Shame as we do drive through some beautiful countryside to get there, which should be a treat, but it isn’t. Instead we go over and over what may or may not happen in the appointment.
This time we were in there for about 4 minutes, if that. Usually it takes a lot longer, with lectures about teeth cleaning. Mouth pulled around. Bits of wire. Sharp tools. The clip of the wire cutters. Not this time. Quick look. Everything fine. She’s doing a good job wearing her retainer at night. That’s it. We found ourselves back out on the pavement within minutes. Smiling. Slightly unreal.
Once the Teen was delivered back to school, I got my head down and worked through the to-do list. It wasn’t until the evening news that I first heard about the awful attack in London. The rest of the country was already watching it unfold.
These kind of events always seem surreal. Life is going along as usual and then boom, it’s not. It changes. As if you’ve suddenly been jumped into a similar looking world, but it’s not your world. Disbelief and bewilderment. People in the right place, but at a bad time. Not going home that evening. Not following their planned day. Everyone praying that no-one they know is involved. Hearts and prayers to everyone.
Maybe I should worry most when something like this no longer feels surreal.
I’m writing this earlier, as I suspect Friday is going to be a humdinger of a day. A school event, with a politically correct name (don’t ask, ….. but we are running up to Mother’s Day in the UK), and a catch up with another friend. Judging by my week, I suspect that both will end up being slightly surreal in some way and this post is long enough.
‘Least the chairs should be taller.
My word of the week: surreal
Joining in with #wotw and #PoCoLo linkies.
I agree it was a strange place to have a catch up lunch, especially on toddler chairs, I hope the soup was worth it. I love your crochet, I’ve picked up my hooks again this week although I haven’t crocheted for over 10 years!
It was unsual! I hope how to crochet is flooding back to you. Looking forward to seeing what you are making.
That is definitely the word for your week, filled with oddities. Love the thought of you having your business lunch in that environment, that would definitely seem surreal. Hope today’s a bit less surreal! Thanks for sharing with #WotW
It was surreal free. Thank goodness.
hehehe! What an odd week…
Your lunch sounds like a lot of fun!
Hooray for a quick orthodontist appointment….My teen doesn’t like her appointments but she’s so close to having her braces removed.
I hope your teen doesn’t have too long to wait for her braces to be removed. It will be worth it. I know it made a huge difference to my Eldest’s teeth.
Your business lunch sounds very surreal but quite enjoyable for being so out of the ordinary. I love the flash of purple in your crocheting. I have started to teach myself over the last few weeks and can now do 4 different stitches, albeit slowly. Hopefully 1 day I’ll be able to make something pretty like your cushion cover
I still feel like a newbie when it comes to crocheting. I’m sure it won’t take you long. Looking forward to seeing what you make.
Love the photo of you with your dog!
My daughter had her brace removed last year and despite dire warnings from the orthodontist about what would happen if she didn’t wear her retainer she is rather slack at remembering!
I only heard about the terror attack later in the evening too. The school I work in is due to visit Westminster next week (they have special schools events) so you can imagine the discussions going on at the moment.
I suspect my daughter is put off by the idea of having braces again. I can imagine that there must be a few schools that are in the grips of discussion. It does sound like a great trip.
Gorgeous photos…especially fond of the is it Bracket fungus? and the Dog…both beautiful. .The chair size made me laugh ..I used to teach a KS1 class ..and well remember the perils of tucking knees under tiny tables and knocking them when I tried to stand up…lol & ouch!
It was very sad to hear of the senseless violence…I suppose we just have to grit our teeth and remind our loved ones that we love them and make the most of our lives.
I have no idea how pre-school and KS1 teachers survive the chairs. Strong knees. I think you are right. If nothing else, at least it prompts us to remind those around us, how much they mean to us.
What a gorgeous photo of you and your dog from your childhood. Despite growing up with Golden Retrievers I’m not much of a fan of dogs. #PoCoLo #WotW
I can’t imagine not having a dog around, but I do realise that they are not everyone’s cup of tea.
Love the photo of you and your dog. I think you’re right, you should probably worry when these things aren’t surreal anymore.
Thanks so much for linking to #pocolo, it’s always lovely to have someone new along.
Nice to join in.