1. The children loved it. Much more fun for us grown-ups as there were no queues, just watching the scenery go by! Transport and Santa go well together.

  1. We went on the Santa Express a few years ago with my sister and her children too…………..silly sis didn’t read the sign which said not to put your head out of the window while pulling out of the station…….suffice to say she looked like one of the ‘Black and White Minstrals’ when she sat back in her seat, her face was totally blackened by the soot, she couldn’t understand why we were all in fits of laughter……………lovely way to pass a few hours, hope they served you with mince pies and mulled wine. x

    1. We did have mince pies and sherry, although I thought it was meant to be mulled wine….maybe there was a technical hitch. Very relaxing trip and so much better than queueing up for Santa’s grotto which we have done in previous years in other places. Your poor sister. Hope she saw the funny side of it!

    1. I’m pretty sure the red plate at the front of the train is screwed on for the season. The train, and other engines, provide wonderful trips most of the year. Very tempted by some of the other outings on offer.

  2. I do love the Chrismassy feeling! If only we had snow…perhaps our Santa train could take us to some (the mountains are about an hour away)? Must look into it 🙂 So glad you’re enjoying the season!

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