Relaxed – my word of the week

This week has been relaxed. In a “quiet before the storm” sense, rather than feet up. No extra rushing around than is strictly necessary, but still on the go. I like it. I’ve even noticed that the nature around us has been relaxed too.


When we first moved here, starlings used to be a regular visitor. We took them for granted for years. Then suddenly they were gone. Every single one of them. We still had lots of birds, just not starlings. It’s strange how you don’t notice at first. The absence dawns slowly. Talking to others, you realise that it’s not your imagination. They’d gone. That was about 18-20 years ago. They were in the surrounding areas, just not ours.

This week it changed. Like a light switch, they were back and in their masses again. I’ve stepped out of our front door each morning and I can hear the absolute babble of hundreds of birds massing in the trees in the woods. Believe me it is loud and wonderful. I can see them billowing out of the trees as they knock their neighbours off the branches, until they are settled. Repeat at dusk as they come home to roost.

Why? Well I have a very good idea, but this is not the right place for local politics. I will say that one noise and disturbance has now been replaced by an infinitely more desirable one. The birds are relaxed and they’ve returned. I hope they stay.

sewing machine brooch


I’ve gone down one or two dress sizes, which means some of my clothes are too relaxed and don’t fit me anymore. I’ve started sifting through my wardrobe and getting rid of clothes that are less than flattering. Two of my favourite denim skirts are in charity bags, ready to go. They were sitting on my hips rather than my waist, which looked and felt weird. I could take them in, but I don’t have the time.

Instead I’ve picked up a couple of second hand dresses, which I’m looking forward to wearing. Ironically, I also found a sewing machine brooch. I do have plans to get my sewing machine out and make a skirt too.

Not a relaxed hen


This is Dolce, our hen. She is not quite as relaxed, at the moment. She’d like to be out and pecking free range. Unfortunately, bird flu is still a problem, so undercover she remains. There was a case amongst wild birds fairly locally, last week, which makes me edgy. We’d hoped to get more hens this spring to keep her company, but I’m not sure I want to risk infection. She’s laying eggs and is spoilt rotten, as much as we can do, so hopefully she is keeping her pecker up. Maybe in a few months time, we can reassess the situation.

pot of Grape hyacinth

Other news

Last weekend, we visited my parents and had a lovely, relaxed afternoon with them. I say relaxed, but I’m sure my parents probably put their feet up and recover once we’re gone.

Eldest popped back from Uni this weekend. I’m not sure it is the relaxed weekend she imagined. I’ll leave that till next week’s blog post.

Relaxed planting of a primulas

Lots of signs of spring too. This primulas is self seeded, just outside the back door and I admire it every day.

Joining up with Anne and her word of the week link up. Hope you’ve all had a good week.

Word of the Week linky




  1. How wonderful that the starlings have returned, we have lots of them here and I enjoy listening to them in the morning.
    It’s sad when you have to part with your favourite clothing but I think you find some lovely new favourites second-hand.
    Poor Dolce, I hope she can have some new friends to join her soon.
    I hope you have had a nice relaxed weekend to continue the theme for the week.

    1. I’m still enjoying the starlings this morning, so hopefully they will be staying. I’m glad I have got rid of the skirts as they had turned from favourite to uncomfortable. Time to go and become someone else’s favourite hopefully.

  2. I love the idea of a relaxed week. i think I might have to force one on myself. I love that the starlings have come back, we get a lot of birds in the trees at the bottom of our garden that line the canal. They can be a noisy wake up call. This morning there was something going on at 5am, but they soon settled. (It wasn’t my cat he was locked inside!)

  3. We used to get so many starlings at our old house, but never had them visit here. Fingers crossed we see them at the new house.
    Well done on your weight loss! That’s amazing. I really need to get my head in the game again after a few weeks off.
    Aw, poor Dolce, but she does sound like she’s living her best life! Hopefully, she will get some new roommates soon.
    Have a lovely relaxing rest of the week Cheryl. 🙂

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