Sometimes it is a collection of minor successes that make a day feel quietly good. Like ticking items off your to-do list that need to be done.

We picked up all the fallen apples in the orchard. I now have a crate of apples ready for processing. Tick.

Bought school shoes, two weeks before the end of the holiday. That is 1 week and 6 days earlier than usual. Tick.

Bought fabric to make AJ trousers, as I have finally given up all hope of ever finding trousers for her that stay up and reach her ankles, at the same time. (Bought some fabric to start my autumn wardrobe as well). Tick.

Made chocolate ice cream. Tick.

Used the double cream, which is about to go out of date, to make butter (healthier options than making profiteroles). Ignore usual method and opt for child power, jar and marble. Tick.
Add chopped up garlic and parsley to half of it. Freeze some. Use rest to make garlic bread. Tick.
Teach children how to make butter from cream.Tick.
Let each make a small pat of butter using the scotch hands. (No photo as butter pats were almost straight away spread on bread.) Tick.
Store butter milk ready to make scones and drinks. Tick.
Totally forget to wash the butter. Hope butter does not go rancid before use. Tick!
Hope you had a quietly successful Sunday.
Oh my goodness, I’d say it was a successful day! My mouth is watering over the thought of scones and homemade double cream butter. The one time we made butter, my daughter accidentally grabbed the wrong jar for mixing it in – it was a jar that my son had stored Christmas tree needles in (he’s a collector) that had not been washed well. Fir-flavored butter is a taste I’ll never forget. But your post is inspiring me to give it another try, this time in a CLEAN jar.
Hmm! I’m not sure I’d like pine flavoured butter. It would remind me of artificial air freshner. I do hope it tastes better this time.
you are moving through that list mama! 😉 your butter looks delish! mmmm…
It is lovely. I had to stop the children eating it by the spoonful!
The butter looks cool, cheers Marie
Thanks. We will be doing it again.
Love your day … We have been making lots of butter with cream… it’s the latest thing, and yogurt and cheese… lots more fun to make your own!!! Have a fun week!!!
Nothing like getting the children in on the processing stage to develop their interest in the food they eat. SO much fun, although this time I was so busy showing them, I forgot a stage!
Oh wow – that butter looks incredible!
And I did laugh about the school shoes – well done 🙂
Such a relief to have the shoes organized. I’m not sure why, but there’s not a huge choice of styles in the girl’s sizes. Off my list.
wow, well done you … great butter making, get those scones made and spread thickly with said butter, I say.
what are you going to do with the apples ?
fancy sharing the pattern you use for trouser making ? my 2 yo could do with some, also do you have a good pj pattern to reccommend, thanks lovely
happy days
I’ve got some of the apples ear-marked for apple cake and the rest will go into pies.
I’m using a pattern out of an old burda magazine for AJ. In the past I’ve done elasticated wasitbands, but at eight she would like more jean style trousers. I’ll look out my pj pattern and pm you later. I’ve used the pj bottom pattern for day trousers for all the children. It is very versatile.
Thanks darling, much appreciated.
Have lots of good fabric that needs using, so pjs and day trousers sound wonderful.
*Said in the voice of Julia Child* Mmmm, buuutttterrr!
Hee hee. Butter. Lovely however you say it!
That looks lovely…it makes me remember watching My Great Aunt Sally churning butter in a glass churn with wooden paddles… she made a great Buttermilk fruit cake too (I have the recipe saved if you ever want it)
Now you’ve inspired me to have a go. The glass churn is out of reach in the UK but I do have a pair of wooden butter hands here… can I ask how big is the jar?
Many Thanks Val
We used one of those large marmalade jars. I guess about 1 litre. I saw one of those glass churns with wooden paddles in a reclaimation yard recently. I wish I had bought it.
BTW forgot to say I was seriously impressed by school shoes purchase …I got ours yesterday and they start back today ..ho hum close to the wire as usual.. now I’ve got to nip off and hem younger d’s trouseurs and we’ll be good to go (it’s 6.32 am …sometimes I wonder why I don’t do these things the night before…..)
I am dreadful at leaving things to the last minute. Almost like I can only get it done if I am against the clock.