Power pose – my word(s) of the week

Power pose and handmade Cleo pinafore

This week, I went to my first yoga dance fusion lesson. I was intrigued. How would the two fuse? Long story short, they did and it was fun, but there was one particular part that stuck with me all week. The routine we are learning includes a power pose, in fact, a sequence of power poses, that really struck a chord with me. I’ve felt its influence nudge me through out the week.

The one and only time I’ve seen a power pose in action was on the TV series Grey’s Anatomy when Amelia uses it before going in to perform brain surgery. The idea is that you hold a powerful pose for two minutes before going into a business meeting, an interview or a challenging situation, and you become stronger. It’s said that it releases testosterone, reduces cortisol levels and uses body language to convey strength and power. Who knows? Maybe it does. Even if it is a placebo and more to do with faking it until you make it, I can see a benefit.


I have had a number of appointment bookings building up. Arranging them is not quite my least favourite admin, but it is somewhere low on the list. This week, I tackled them all. I struck a power pose, pulled out the calendar and started phoning. I have now rearranged an orthodontist appointment, confirmed a dental appointment for all the children, booked an overdue dental appointment for me and a doctor’s appointment. I’ve added all Youngest’s exam dates to the calendar, so I don’t double book myself, as I am the taxi for drop off and pick up after each exam. I’m feeling organised.

Power pose and handmade cardiganFeeling slightly powerful too.

Other news

Middle Daughter popped home from Uni. One of the chefs, she used to work with, is at a new restaurant and asked if she was interested in weekend and holiday work. She came down to try it out this weekend, and apparently she hasn’t forgotten everything he taught her. It was lovely to see her. We also popped into Wells for a mooch around the shops. Something we used to do last year in her gap year.

Old photo of snakehead fritillary

I tackled the flower beds and weeded. Dug holes and threw in some of the bulbs I forgot to plant last autumn. I’m not sure a power pose will help them. Maybe crossed fingers. Anyway the beds are looking ready for spring and previous successfully planted bulbs are starting to poke through. Even my two patches of snakehead fritillaries are leafing up. I’m convinced each year that they will succumb to the unprotected spots they are in.

A quiet week, but quite productive. Maybe my power pose has helped. I’d like to think so. Hero the hound subscribes to the theory that power naps are better, but how much did he achieve this week?

Joining in with Anne’s word of the week link up. I’m going with two words for a change. How’s your week been?

Word of the Week linky


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