I did it. I grew popcorn! Who knew? Sixteen good cobs and few diddy ones. They need to dry yet before I can try popping them, but I really don’t mind. The colours are so fantastic, I’d happily use them for autumn decorations. My hands turned red, pulling the casings from around them, with only three earwigs to re-home.
We are definitely in the autumn swing now. I haven’t finished bringing in beans and tomatoes yet, and there is still other crops ( sounds like I have acres, but not sure how else to refer to the different kinds of food I grow, collectively) to be brought in. My freezer is brimming over and I’ve not even started on the apples yet.
Anyway, time for a quick round up of our week.
New addition to the garden. We have a new baby wild rabbit. Such fun to watch. She pops up from nowhere. I had my camera with me one afternoon and caught her discovering new tasty treats. I don’t think she had ever sampled a dandelion before. While I watched, she tentatively approached the flower, stretching to take a taste. I blinked and she was gone. Along with the dandelion.
Bit worried as the mother rabbit is not very attentive and this little one doesn’t have a sibling. Last batch acted as a danger alarm system for each other. Fingers crossed she makes it. It’s difficult not to feel protective.
In between baby rabbit watching, I’ve been busy in the kitchen. I’ve made pumpkin spice and pumpkin spice creamer. Loving both of these. A real blast of autumn flavours. Can’t wait to get the pumpkins in from the garden. I have pastry ready for pies and pumpkin spice to provide that unmistakable pop to the taste buds.
Adding a bit of culture to our lives, we headed to the Holburne museum, on Sunday. Rembrandt and Matisse exhibitions.
I love seeing how the children react to these days out. Each time, they impress me. Even the one that threatened to stay behind at home, was full of questions. They were interested. Brief moments when you feel you might just be winning at this “raising individuals” game. Short, but sweet while it lasts.
Let’s see. That’s pretty much it. First tutoring session went well and looks like the way forward. We have one more week of school to go, until half term. Seems to have snuck up on us for once. Mad rush to fit everything in at work, before they break up. On a lighter note, Halloween plans are in full swing, with Eric the skeleton popping up around the house. Apparently, he’s not so scary anymore. So I’m thinking bigger….
My week. I’m going to sum it up with the word “Pop”. Pretty sure that will be a first for me. Joining in with Anne’s Word of the week link up.

Love the popcorn, such lovely colours and the photos of the baby rabbit tasting the dandelion are adorable. Glad you had a lovely family day out too. Autumn really does sound an idyllic time in your house with all the crops to harvest. Makes me wish I had more time and inclination to grow fruit and veg myself
All thanks to those moments in spring, when I overcome my sluggishness and plant the seeds. Again. Honestly, each start of the year I wonder if I should bother, so I need to read my autumn blog posts to remind me. Idyllic now. Not so much in spring!
I didn’t realise just how colourful popcorn was! It’s amazing and definitely Autumnal. I love your little bunny, great photos. And I’m glad you enjoyed your day out, I have kids that don’t want to go anywhere but have fund once they are dragged out (screaming.) Can’t wait to see what Eric gets up to this year, I don’t think he’s lost his spookiness…well maybe a little, he must be like an old friend now…a very, very old friend
First time growing popcorn, but I don’t think popcorn is always so pretty. When it pops, it will be the usual cream/white colour.
I’m wondering are those edible, those colourful pods??? Still, some achievement all those lovely vegetables into your own freezer. Lovely your rabbit visitor!
They are edible and gloriously colourful too. They are a James Wong’s fiesta through Sutton seeds.
PS: #WotW
Those colours are gorgeous! I hope the popcorn works out well
It would be awesome to be able to make some from my own garden! #wotw
Only took a metre square to grow in. I hope I can get it to the stage where it will pop. Fingers crossed.
Oh wow! I thought they were Autumn decorations! I didn’t know corn came in so many colours.
Aww! The bunny is just adorable!
It sounds like a great day out.
I’m glad the tutoring session went well! #WotW
I’m still pinching myself that I managed to grow them, let alone so many.
Those ears of corn are so beautiful! I also love the pumpkin spice recipes. So many fun things for fall. # MMBC
It is a lovely time of year.