September is about new beginnings for me. You can keep your January resolutions. I’ll stick to the start of a new school year. Clean slate and new pencil case are definitely the order of the day. It’s a month for starting the big lists, signing up for online language courses and dreaming about where life is taking you.
Admittedly, this year is different. Plans are built on shifting sand. More “as long as” and “if” expressions pepper sentences, as if their best before date is a cat’s whisker away from expiring and they need to be used.
Still, the planning and organizing must continue.
(Weekend project)
The younger teens have been back at school a whole week now. So far so good. Saying that, lunch is still an issue. I have abandoned all hope of sending them in with packed lunches, as they brought them home to eat. Instead, I send them in with a snack pot, and we’re having big family breakfasts and a late lunch when they come in. Adds to the daily routine, but it seems to work.
Their lessons are going OK, but I still have a more than niggling feeling that this year is going to be majorly interrupted in lots of little ways. Not good with GCSEs scheduled for next summer. I’m building a Plan B to give them both as much extra support at home. We’re building it into our routine now.
My secret super power is Plan B planning. Before you ask, it doesn’t come with a cape.
Eldest is doing the October exams. We’ve had fun and games getting her registered for them, but it is done now. Honestly, you’d think it would be straightforward. One of those situations where I need to know the right question to ask, at the right time. Oh, so frustrating.
She also went in to see the career’s advisor who, in contrast, was very efficient and helpful.
(Magic custard cake with raspberry sauce)
I went into our local garden centre, this weekend, for house plant soil. Most of the inside shop had been cleared, ready to put up their Christmas display. I’ll admit, I wasn’t ready to see glistening tree ornaments hanging on the few display panels that they’d already put up. I’m all for forward planning, but September? Maybe they anticipate a lockdown time before the holiday period and need to start earlier. For that, I would certainly forgive their early start.
After all, we all need a plan.

Hi Cheryl, I love the red sunflowers! Very pretty… The uncertainty in our day to day life is very unsettling now. Trying to find a routine that works and keeps everyone settled is important and it sounds like you are on the ball with that… I’m not sure that there is any excuse for starting to sell Christmas decorations quite so early. I love all the twinkle and lights of Christmas but seeing them so early sort of takes the joy out of them (I find).
It was a tad to early.
I agree with you about making a plan – it’s important to at least have a plan, while knowing it might get messed up. And so, in light of that, I’ll have to forgive the early Christmas displays, as you so graciously have.
Yes, it is a strange year. I think we can forgive a lot of things.
September feels like a more natural point for new starts and planning in many ways than January does. Plan B planning is the way forward at the moment. It does feel like all planning has to be conditional and there has to be a back-up plan there too. Glad the combination of family breakfast, snack pot and late lunch is working out with your younger teens for back-to-school. I’m not ready to start thinking about Christmas either though! Good luck to your eldest with the October exams. #WotW
oh, you are on the ball. Planning is what we should all be doing. My city is going into lock down on Tuesday, which is not really a lock down because you can still go to work, or school, or the shops, or the pub or basically anywhere but someone else’s home. And you can’t meet out in groups larger than six which is great when you are a family of seven. I’m glad you managed to sort out your eldest’s exams, sounds like a right palaver. My kids are the same with packed lunches, they bring them home. The school is offering free lunches for all students until October half term, but of course, mine want to take their own. Good luck with your plans, I’m sorely tempted to get out my ‘big book of plans’ out to make some of my own.Christmas shopping comes to mind! (Sorry) x
What an interesting initiative of your school. I hope it pays dividends. Yes, planning is the way forward.
Ahh yes Plan B.. and Plan C and Plan D just in case are my special powers too (no cape here either) I agree about making your plans in September, more likely to stick to them than in January .
Plenty of contingency plans, otherwise it would send me crazy.
I see September as a new start too.
It sounds like the return to school has gone well.
The planning sounds good. I have been making plans about home schooling if they do close again.
I did think about starting the Christmas shopping when I was in town on Monday. Everyone is getting their Christmas stock in now. x
Still feels too soon. I will be really surprised if my younger two don’t have some homeschooling time this year. Fingers crossed, not too soon.
I do love a bit of planning. I’m glad to hear that your teens have settled back in school amidst these crazy times.
I visited a garden centre the other day and they were also prepping for Christmas! I’m quite happy with autumn for now thanks! x
Me too. I want to see the autumn colours. Ready for Harvest time and Halloween. I love Christmas, but not for a third of the year.