I love the word “yet”. It recognises that you haven’t achieved the objective but, with practise, you can. There is a whole lot of hope crammed into that little word.
My journey with crocheting has been off and on. Mainly off. I can do so many other textile crafts. I can knit, spin, sew, quilt, smock, embroider…but not crochet, yet.
I am determined. Spurred on by that little word. I blogged about my last attempt five years ago. I am forever encouraging the child to practise new skills and not give up. When they tell me they can’t do it, I echo an old headmaster of theirs “You can’t do it, yet.”
So there you are. I’m going to keep on trying. I shall undo this again. I’ve started this square more times than I can remember, this week. Even the pup has had a go. Can you see the extra embellishments she added to my brand new crochet hook?
My crochet journey continues. Not there – yet.
Yet is a good word, and not thought about it before, but it does hint at a promise and possibility. I started knitting last year and that’s been left to one side, so my knitting is my ‘yet’. Best of luck with your crochet x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
Good luck with your knitting. You’ll get there. Takes practise and patience. That’s exactly what I’m telling myself with crocheting.
You’ll get there.
I’m determined. I will finish one crochet item.
I would love to get to grips with crotheting too. My mom made some lovely blankets for us and I’d love to be able to make my own. Isn’t it funny how we can sew quite easily but find this a little trickier to master? x
I’m not sure why I can do intricate knitting with no probem and learn new stitches, but crocheting is the biggest mountain to climb. It is strange.
*crocheting* please excuse my diabolical spellings!
I think half the things in my house have those “embellishments”
Can’t remember ever trying crochet,was very proud of the bobble hat I knitted at Brownies though x #wotw
We have a fair number of embellishments around the house. Like she’s leaving her tag everywhere. Looking forward to the day when she no longer feels the need to do it.
Great word of the week, I’ve never thought of the word yet like that! I would love to learn how to knit or crochet, my mam is great at crocheting but I was never interested in learning from her, not that I don’t live near her I wish she was here to teach me!
It is great when one generation passes on their skills to another. I wish my Grandma was still around to give me some crochet hints. Hope you find a way to learn.
I can’t knit, sew or crochet! so I admire any one who can
I’m sure you’ll master it!
Do stick with it.
Like you, crochet was a mystery to me, and despite being able to sew and knit, crochet always eluded me.
But then my super patient friend offered to help, and i haven’t looked back. Once she explained (face to face) a few basic concepts it was so easy. I can now even follow You Tube videos, and the kids are drowning in hats!
You can do it Cheryl.
I use to know how to do this! I learned it in school but now I dont think I can create a decent granny square. Goodluck with this journey. I know you will nail it soon! #wotw
You are so right about the word “yet”. It implies that the task whatever it is, will be done. I use that word a lot too
Yet is a great word and very positive! Good look with the crochet, I’m sure it wont be too long until you crack it, you already sound very creative x #WotW