(repost from yesterday)
I am so excited about Halloween and autumn, this year. The seasonal bug has truly bitten. I’m seeing orange everywhere I look at the moment.
The start of the decorations are up around the house already and I am making plans. Not just for All Hallows Eve. No, that seems like a missed opportunity. We’re starting early.
Celebrating the season.
All the season.
The week running up to the 31st, the children are on half term break. Instructions have been issued to get all homework done. I’m already planning lots of crafting and fun cooking for that week, as well as maybe a trip or two.I promise to share the successful ones.
If you follow me on Pinterest, you may have spotted a flurry of apple, pumpkin, ghoulish and leaf themed pins.
Oh, and slightly controversially, I’ve vetoed Trick or Treating.
(pause for the deafening silence. Sudden need to look down at shoes.)
I know. Eek. Tricky conversation. Wicked witch, or what? I’m getting between children and a potential haul of sweets, but it takes up the whole evening and is not my favourite for so many reasons. You’ve got to do the things that make you happy too.
Instead I have a fun evening set up. One of those evenings that they should be talking about for a while. In a good way. I hope.
(previous pumpkin carving)
I’d love to know. What are your favourite ways to celebrate the season? Are you “Trick or Treating” this year? Or bah-humbuging the whole season, and turning off the lights? Is it an apple-pie-and-a-good-book-in-front-of-the-fire kind of evening? Or do you dress up?
In the meantime, here are a few previous Halloween and autumn fun. Click on the photo to find out more.
Craft and costume
Halloween is not a traditional custom in Austria. Only a few children go from house-to-house. Nevertheless, I love to decorate the house with pumpkins, to wear a costume and to watch a suitable movie like “Hocus Pocus”
Any chance to celebrate the seasons should not be missed. I’d forgotten about Hocus Pocus.
That mouse-inside-the-pumpkin is so cute!!! I don’t have children, so I suppose my opinion hasn’t much value, but – I like to give it anyway.
Your “fun evening” sounds more meaningful than just going door to door – I don’t blame you and I’m sure they’ll enjoy it.
Your opinion counts. I’m hoping that my plans for the evening will be more reminiscent of the ones I remember from childhood.