(Mary Rose in garden)
Ah, yes. The flurry of letters and notes from school, signalling that half term is upon us once again. Echoing the white blossom falling from the trees in the garden. I imagine teachers clearing their inboxes and crossing off their to-do lists, ready for school to break up this afternoon for the week. Passing paperwork and children back to us parents, before they beat a retreat themselves and head through the gates. I hope they have a good break.
This week, has been a series of flurries. Things done in short bursts. Nothing major. All quite simple.
Unsurprisingly, I’ve been out in the garden. Gradually getting plants in the ground. The earth is ready. If I can grab quarter of an hour, then I make progress. I’m growing tomatoes outside for the first time in years. The seed packet stated they were their “happiest” outside. I love the idea of happy tomatoes, don’t you? I’m sure they will be tastier too. Anyway, I’ve got the first batch in, with more to follow.
The sparrows like using my salad beds as a communal dust bath. I’d planted some seed tapes and I think, while the sparrows were bathing, one day, they must have spotted the white paper peeping out from the earth and become curious. One thing lead to another and they dug up a few lines. Not sure if I’ve lost all the seeds. I’ll add another row of the ones they unearthed, just in case.
I’ve finished the left side of my raspberry cardigan and am waiting for a few moments to do the lacey part of the right side. Undisturbed time, as I need to concentrate. Progress is being made, in short bursts.
I altered a charity shop tablecloth, to use outside. Something very satisfying about giving it fresh life. I sat outside and handstitched the edges, one lunch time. Hand sewing is definitely my happy time.
Last weekend was filled with flurries of activity. There was a spur of the moment swimming trip. My husband achieved a new personal best in his running. Cricket was played. Balls thrown for the hound. Long dog walks were had. This good weather is definitely encouraging more outside time. I even moved my office out into the garden for a few mornings, making the hound very happy. Time to slumber in the shade for him, as well as cajole me to play.
We headed down to Cheddar for strawberries and asparagus on Sunday. We didn’t have long, so only a short trip to the Levels afterwards. Strawberries disappeared very quickly.
We had a lovely, long walk, on Thursday with Hero, down to the village to vote in the European elections. Taking the scenic route gave him a good three mile walk, which isn’t always possible on a week day morning. He met so many dog friends. The cherry on the top as far as he is concerned. A perfect start of the morning for us too.
Busy baking too. Mainly for afternoon snacks to stave off the famished feeling when the children get in from school. Theirs, not mine. Along with fruit and cut up veg, I’ve given them chocolate muffins and scones. Also bread rolls with chocolate in the middle, which is an absolute favourite with them. I’d rather they filled up with these homemade goodies than something out of a packet. Prep takes no time and I can grab moments in the day to do it.
(zephirine drouhin in garden)
That’s our week. Flurries of activity, which got things done. I’m looking forward to having everyone home next week, with the added bonus of a bank holiday Monday. As far as I can see the weather is forecasted to be good. Probably more flurries of activity and progress then.
That wraps up the week. Joining in with Anne’s Word of the Week. Flurry seems to do it this week.
Raisie Bay
We’re growing tomatoes for the first time this year as Sophie was given a tomato plant at school at Easter. So far it seems to be doing well! Your scones look delicious. I often make cheese scones for coffee mornings although am rubbish at making them at other times for us to enjoy. Sounds like you had a lovely walk on Thursday on your way to vote. Love the photos of your flowers – so pretty. It is lovely seeing more and more flowers appearing in the garden now. Hope you have a good half-term. #WotW
It is lovely to see all the flowers in the garden. Hope Sophie’s tomato plant thrives.
A flurry is right … happy tomatoes, eh? Should be fun eating those! #WofW
Hope so!
I know whjat you mean about time to concentrate for patterns, even then I still have to undo at times.
We gave up growing fruit and veg as we did not find it economical for both time and money we put in. I had to laugh at happy tomatoes…can see them now with a great big grin on their faces.
Well done to hubby on his PB in running.
I’ll check the tomatoes for smiles and report back.
I’d love to grow tomatoes, my Dad used to grow them on his allotment along with lettuce and we were never short of salad for summer. It does sound like a flurry of a week, I wish I had time for more baking. Maybe I’ll get the kids to help next week, so long as they are willing to help clear up afterwards. Have a lovely half term and thanks for linking up to #Wotw
Definitely best tomatoes are homegrown and eaten within seconds of being picked.
I love the idea of happy tomatoes too! It almost seems a shame to eat them, but I would. Here in the US, schools are dismissing for the summer. Children won’t go back until September. Have a great half term!
That is a long holiday.
Happy tomatoes are sure to be much tastier, you will have to let us know. I often imagine the teachers at half term, skipping out of the school gates whooping freedom! After school snacks at your house sound delicious, my two eat a ton of fruit when they come home but I do occasionally throw in a treat too. I hope you have a lovely half term break x #WotW
Love your image of the end of term!
Ahh! I have had a ton of letters from school this past week. I have two to sign and send back, I must rememeber them!
Those scones look amazing!
It sounds like you have had a week of a lot of lovely things x
It has been good.
I know what you mean about the school letters, does it ever end I wonder lol. I do love a good charity shop find and them strawberries look delicious X #wotw
They were rather delicious strawberries.
I like the word flurry
I also like the idea of happy tomatoes! mine are outside in tubs.. I hope they are equally happy LOL
I’m sure they are very happy!
I can’t believe you have scones on here, I’ve honestly been thinking about them all day! There’ll definitely be a day trip to find some, this week x
Make them. They are so easy to make.
Flowers, tomatoes, and thrift store finds all make life sweeter. #MMBC
Never a truer word written!
My daughter’s school sends out all letters by email now, no more scrunched up bits of paper getting thrown at me lol. I haven’t managed to finish anything craft wise this week. I still have 3 things that are half made and a huge list of things that I want to make!
Our school seems to do a mixture. The letters that need signing, but not necessarily paying, are paper. I always have a huge list of things I’d like to make.
Sounds like you’ve had a fun time. My mother-in-law has been working diligently in her garden this year too. She must have very happy tomatoes every year because they sure do grow well for her outside.
I found you from the Monday Morning Blog Club.
I’m sure they must be happy!