Half term is almost over. Still have a couple more events to look forward to before the final bell, but part of me feels the sadness. I love having the children around. They are funny. They spark such conversations. They can also drive me nutty, but I’d be surprised if they didn’t. They know how to push their siblings’ buttons, and mine. Then, like a flick of a switch, they can show a different side.
Today, we went out for lunch. Afterwards, we sat round the table while youngest reeled off a whole ream of riddles for us to solve. Everyone was enjoying it. For a moment, I sat back and watched them. Soaking it in. They are good company. They enjoy each other’s company too. Competitive, as it happens, but so am I when it comes to riddles.
Memories being made. Right there, and I’m not going to miss the opportunity to enjoy it.
So, half term. We’ve done quite a lot. There’s been a cinema trip, another strawberry adventure and dog walks. Play dates. Creating. Decluttering. Along with the bog standard revising for upcoming exams. Also a dog show, where Hero met up with a couple of his siblings. We didn’t show him, but he did watch.
Bank holiday Monday, we went to the Bruton Packhorse festival. There was music, fun fair and stalls. Such a wonderful atmosphere. The cherry on the top for me, was finding a second hand tailor’s dummy among the stalls. It’s been on my list for a while. Years, to be honest. I didn’t want to buy first hand, because it’s exactly the sort of item that people declutter. I was on a mission to save one from being thrown in to the landfill, if it should ever cross my path.
This one is old. It’s either from the 70s or 60s. It came in the original box, with the instructions and a pattern making kit. I’m guessing that, as it still has it’s box from 50 years ago, it probably wasn’t used much. Even more reason to save it. The blue covering cloth needs sticking down in some places and it’s missing a couple of screws, but apart from that, she’s looking good for her age. Even better when you consider I bought her for the princely price of £10. (New ones cost between £100 and £150, or more) The stall holder dropped the price. I have a feeling he was glad to see the back of it.
(Not finished yet)
My win. I now have a body double. I’ve already started using her for my latest dress. A summer dress for me.
Continuing the theme of saving items from the potential landfill, we’ve been busy buying a few second hand clothes listed on Oxfam. It is a bit of a skill and can be a little hit and miss, but so far, the clothes that have arrived, have been perfect for us. One still has its tags on, showing the eye watering original price. Honestly, I do wonder sometimes, but I’m pleased with our finds.
That wraps up our week. I really will miss having the children around. It is going to be quiet. We’ve made some wonderful finds this week, including a patch of four leaf clovers as you can see in the top photo, which was a complete surprise.
I’m joining in with Anne’s word of the week linky. My word is find.
Raisie Bay
Sounds like you know how to appreciate life’s smell the roses moments. You sound busy but involved in your life. Nice to read
I’m definitely a smell-the-roses kind of person.
Yes, make your memories now, while you can. It won’t be long before your children are grown up and have flown the coop. I sometimes wonder where all the time went. How did my boys grow into men so quickly?
It goes in a flash. Enjoying the moments is the only way I know to put the brakes on to slow it down, even if only for a smidgeon.
It’s the small things to be greatful. Sounds a lovely week X #wotw
Oh my goodness, my mam still has her dummy, which has to be around 35 years old! I remember her joy at getting it, and she still uses it. I hope your body double brings the same joy x
I like to hear of them still being used after so many years. Your Mum rocks!
It is lovely when the kids have moments of getting along and it is a pleasure to watch.
It sounds like you have been busy. The tailors dummy is a great find and the dress looks fantastic.
Thank you Kim! I am pleased to find one. Yes, it is a pleasure to behold!
Sounds like a lovely half term
you have to enjoy the moments as they happen 
You certainly do.
I love half-term too and getting to have that time with the children. It sounds like you’ve had a lovely one and enjoyed those moments. Love your tailor’s dummy – what a great find at the festival for you. I had one that was a charity shop find – it eventually got passed on to my sister when it started to gather dust due to lack of time for sewing. I’m sure yours will get plenty of use! Love the four-leaved clovers too. #WotW
Half term has been good. Don’t want it to be over. Very pleased with my tailor’s dummy. It is good to pass things on when they start gathering dust. Hope your sister is still enjoying it.
Aww the kids are back to school today. I have to admit, it’s nice and peaceful but I do miss them. I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner but I’ve had a poorly weekend
I love your finds, what a lucky week, a four leaf clover and a lovely old tailors dummy! Thanks for linking up to #wotw
Hope you’re feeling better now. My lot are back at school today. It feels quite flat.
It is good to appreciate the little things in life. I hope back to school went smoothly. I’ve never seen a four leaf clover before, that is fab xx #wotw
I’m not sure I’ve seen a real four leaf clover before, despite all the searching.
I love our boys company, its great to just sit back and watch them engaging, it makes you proud no matter how frustrating parenting can be. I love the dress dummy I bet that is so useful, I cant wait to get sewing x
There are moments when you know that you got the parenting thing right. Makes the frustrating moments worth it. The dress dummy is a game changer for me.