A box of seeds landed on our door mat, this week. A very satisfying thud, I thought. A small, plain box yet full of so much potential. It’s hard to believe that a handful of these tiny seeds will grow to fill our garden, this summer. Adding colour and life, consuming the muddy regions and, let’s not forget, opening up a whole host of yummy menu options too. I’ve already sown several pots. I can almost taste the fresh tomatoes and lettuce already. The garden potential may be expanding, but it’s not been alone this week.
We woke yesterday to the sound of hot air balloon burners. It’s not an uncommon sound for us. The field opposite is occasionally used as a take off location. This morning, it was going on a bit longer than usual, so I knew something exciting was happening.
Sure enough, it was. I opened our curtains to find the most enormous Thomas the Tank Engine peering in. Think Ghostbusters and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. It was big.

This was just the start. They went on to inflate at least another six or seven more. One at a time. In the end, I lost count. I have to admit, it will never grow old watching these gigantic structures expanding. All tethered to the ground, or just hovering above. We think they were testing balloons coming out of storage, ready for recommencing the flying season. Small start, I’m sure, but a very necessary step.

Hello world
The globe (photo at top), made the news this week. It was stored in a barn for the last twenty years and has recently been rediscovered. If it seems familiar, you might remember it featured between BBC programs during a five year period, while the continuity announcer informed us about what was coming up next. Floating over various fabulous landscapes. Yesterday, it made quite a sight floating effortlessly in our neighbour’s more humble cow field. First time inflated in decades.
What can I say? Sometimes fun just comes knocking on your door. Really felt like our very own balloon fiesta yesterday, which is not bad for a tiny hamlet.
Blodwen had an opinion on the plate Gina had used for the Welsh cakes and wondered if she should be left in charge of making them next year. Nerys quietly thought that Google Translate may be responsible for the size of Gina’s cakes. Nerys decided not to enlighten Gina as she hoped expanding Welsh cakes to the size of a small family car, might catch on and that was no bad thing.
Other expanding moments
– Turns out that not everyone in the house likes Welsh cakes anymore. Youngest is not into them, so for St David’s day. I cooked up half the batch and stored the rest of the dough in the fridge for the weekend. Expanding St David’s Day by a week.
– Strike day at school. this week, was disappointing for Middle and Youngest Teen. Theirs were the only two years called in. Not sure it was a particularly educational expanding day for them and at least one of them kept mumbling about how much more work they would have done at home. That’s how the cookie crumbles, I guess. Or welsh cake.
– Eldest heard back about her year abroad options and she has got her first choice, which is truly exciting. A proud parent moment, as she has worked so incredibly hard. As for me, I’m looking forward to dusting off my passport and expanding my horizons.
– Small start on the glove making project. I didn’t have a big enough piece of leather, so I’ve had to mix and match. They’re cut out now and waiting on my sewing table to be stitched up. It is expanding my knowledge.
Well, that was my week. A good start to the growing season and expanding in general.
Joining in with Anne’s word of the week link up.
I really need to get on with planting some of my seeds but it feels too cold at the moment. I think I will wait until this week is over and the threat of snow. Eek.
Oh wow! Those hot air balloons look fantastic.
Congrats to your eldest with getting her first choice for going abroad. x
It is cold. I’m only doing the seeds for greenhouse plants at the moment. No point planting outside yet, but I’d like to get ahead with the greenhouses. The balloons were an amazing and a surprise. Thank you. She is so excited…or is that me?
I would have been so excited seeing those large balloons. When my eldest was little we’d have travelled for miles to see anything Thomas the Tank engine related at all. He was never seen without an engine in his had for at least 4 years of his life. I like Welsh cakes but I’m the only one in my home that does, so that means they don’t get made
Great news about your daughter!
I did think, as I watched the balloons, how exciting this would be for the younger children. Our neighbours were out, so their three year old missed it.
My children are so used to hot air balloons in the field that it’s not so exciting for them anymore. Me? I still love it.
I think it’s wonderful that you can wake up to your own type of parade or show in the field next to you. Yes, it’s like the big marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. I’d love to wake up to a fun show so to speak. #MMBC
It was such a treat. First time I’ve seen an unusual shaped one in the field.
The Thomas brought back wonderful memories of spending hours with my nephews having trains spread out all across my living room floor.
Me too! My children loved their train tracks when they were younger.
Oh that must be so neat to get to see the hot air balloons being filled; that Thomas the Tank does look huge. We see them on occasion in our area and they never fail to make me smile.
Oh I agree. They never fail to make me smile too.
Oh, I so miss coming here! I’m at work now – at home my laptop gives me trouble when I want to go to your site, and it doesn’t load right. Totally weird.
Oh I am sorry. I’m due to make some changes, which may sort this out. Fingers crossed.
So lovely to start planting seeds and think about what they’ll grow into over the year. I love the giant Thomas the Tank Engine balloon. It must be so interesting watching the different hot air balloons being inflated. I thought I recognised the balloon at the top of your picture. Those Welsh cakes look delicious. I love Welsh cakes – I’m with Nerys on hoping the idea of giant Welsh cakes catches on! I can imagine having to go in on strike day was disappointing for Middle and Youngest Teen. That’s great news for your Eldest. Love the picture of the crocus. I love seeing them in gardens at this time of year. #WotW
What an amazing thing to see from your house. I have always wanted to go up in a balloon. My son would have loved to see Thomas. A year abroad sounds interesting. I hope its a great adventure #WotW