Day 3
Cabin fever broke out among the ranks today. Supplies are still holding up, but I made the mistake of mentioning that butter rationing may be implemented. This was enough to spur the only other driving licence holder to clear the drive in record breaking speed, jump into the car and disappear down our snow laden lane. Something about picking up running shorts as well.
He’s back now. Reports of quiet roads, and metre and a half snow drifts on the verges. Empty bread shelves (glad I can make my own). He did pick up running shorts too. I’m sure that will add valuable data to the shop’s sales figures for today: a zillion snow shovels, a lorry full of bad-weather footwear and …….. one pair of running shorts. I see heads being scratched.
In the meantime, the rest of the troops were kept busy building an army of snowmen. Well, two and a half snow people. That will have to count as an army. I suspect the novelty of snow may be running thin. I’m pretty good at drying out wellies and gloves, but even I’m beginning to struggle. A slow down is welcome.
The snow is beginning to thaw. I feel the heart shape igloo hasn’t really risen to its full potential. I will never know how they intended to close the roof on this one, but there is something still beautiful in its structure and I’ll enjoy it until the thaw reaks its inevitable havoc.
One big advantage with having the family home all day for a very long weekend is that, finally I have a hand model for my latest handknitted gloves. Spring gloves. They fell off the needles about a week ago. Replacing the purple pair I lost to the boy.
I’ve been wearing them with a purple coat and love how they look. I used my Grandmother’s knitting pattern, with her written notes in the margins.
I’d intended to take photos of the gloves being worn clutching a bunch of snow drops, as the colours seemed a perfect compliment to the green. Maybe with the hint of sun, that brightens the green up a tad.
Alas, the snowdrops are somewhere under a foot of snow. I hope they bounce back before their season is over. With much thought, I ruled them out as a prop. Snow is good too.
So day 3 of snow is almost over. The morale of the troops has been lifted by a packet of jaffa cakes being included in the shopping expedition’s haul.
Did he remember butter? He did. Best make some cake then. We’ll need it. We have another day to go.

Oh dear, I hope all is back to normal with you now. My girls went back to school yesterday and we are enjoying the thaw! I do love those gloves, they look lovely and warm, perfect for the snow! Hopefully they won’t be needed too much before next Winter now! #keepingitreal
Like your snow people and the story of the snow day. Running shorts in snow does make me wonder. #KeepingItReal
fabulous snow photos. I had to giggle at the shorts, I bet no shop would expect to sell shorts in the snow! I hope you are all thawed out now. I love your gloves.
Oh I absolutely love your shots and wish we had had snow like this in Holland it looks like super fun! How lovely that you got to use your grandma’s knitting pattern! And I did have a little chuckle at your hubby buying running shorts. #keepingitreal
Hi Cheryl, snow = running shorts??!!? Now that did make me laugh. Please tell me you’ve knitted him some woolly leg warmers to go with them?…The heart-shaped igloo was a nice idea, I bet there is a tutorial on YouTube on how to build the roof on one, that site is amazing… Your gloves look so neat! I have finished crocheting my elephant (I’ll be sure to share a photo in next weeks link-up), my next project is a pair of fingerless gloves and I bet they aren’t going to look half as neat as yours… It’s amazing how much joy a plain old packet of Jaffa cakes can bring, I love ’em too.
Thank you for linking up with #keepingitreal.