Cutting out ……again


I love sewing, especially dressmaking. If I had to own up to which is my very favourite craft, and I’m not sure when this is likely to ever happen, but if I had to then I’d say sewing.  I love all the little stitches. I love all the choices of fabric and colours. I love standing back and admiring a finished item, or even a half finished one. It’s just so …..pleasing.

laying out pattern

There is, however, one part that I dread. It’s the cutting out. It even comes way ahead of unpicking and tidying up. I just do not enjoy it. I think it’s because, and any other dressmakers out there can confirm this, the cutting out makes or breaks the whole project.

cutting out

If pattern and grains are not lined up, then nothing hangs right. If the cutting is out then, the pieces will not magically turn from a flat piece of fabric to a 3-D masterpiece. It will be a mess. Once cut, it is pretty much too late to go back. Far better to get it right at the cutting stage.

So easy to procrastinate at this stage.

cutting out sleeve

The only way round it for me is… not think about it. I know the rules (see here) – double check before cutting, watch the print repeats and the nap, etc, so those are automatic. Once everything is laid out, then I think of something different. Maybe the special embellishment I’m going to do on the collar, as I shear through the fabric. Or the fun idea for the buttons, as the scissors cut into a corner. Shall I make apple crumble for supper… that sort of stuff.


Before I know it, I’m done. Ready for a bit of sewing. Now that’s the fun part.

I’ve found my sewing mojo again!

Anyone else working on their Autumn/Fall wardrobe?




  1. Hi Cheryl
    I know what you mean, one slip and its over.
    I used to do a lot of dressmaking in the past, coats, suits, stuff for the children but not so much now.
    I did make a dress the other day but the fabric was all wrong, the dress turned out fine but I looked like I should be in a cotton mill of long ago. lol
    I once made a shirtwaister dress in bottle green and it was so horrible that I threw it in the bin.
    sometimes its difficult to imagine what the fabric will look like on the finished item. luckily there haven’t been too many mistakes like that.
    Your fabric looks lovely, what are you making?

    1. It’s so difficult to put cutting or layout mistakes right. So often, it’s more trouble than its worth. Ho hum. Just have to hope that there is enough fabric to recycle into something else. I hope this project works, as I love the colour. It’s going to be a tunic top for me, which I’m planning to add a bit more shape to. Fingers crossed. Otherwise, I’ll be joining you in the cotton mill re-enactment group. 😀

  2. This entry made me smile ..not least because it reminded me of cutting out oops! that resulted in identical pairs of items being made :0) There is nothing like forgetting the nap when cutting out a pair of corduroy trousers that results in the necessity of cutting out another pair and ending up making two.
    Putting in a slightly puffed sleeve upside down was more challenging…it was reluctantly decided that walking around with one arm stuck in the air wasn’t unpicking was the order of the day..darn it :0)

    1. I’m sure I’ve done all of the above. I’m sure I’ve blanked a lot of these mistakes from my memory. Love the idea that you could hide your mistake by keeping your arm up. You’d not draw any extra attention that way. OK, maybe a little. 😀

    1. It is gorgeous, isn’t it? It’s been folded up, at the top of my fabric pile, all summer. I love uplifting colours. Hope it works as a tunic! Looking forward to seeing your shawl.

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