I made time to finish Wind in the Door, this week. I have been reading it in the car while I wait to pick up after music lessons or end of school. Made the story a bit disjointed, which is probably why the story took a couple of days to […]
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Yarn Along
I wanted to share my progress on the castle jumper, as part of Ginny’s yarn along. So dog-tired, at the moment, that I’m using fewer words. I’ve finished the front and am half way up the back. Lost direction in my use of yarn, so I stopped and went straight […]
Read moreCastle building, stitch by stitch
Children grow. It’s a fact. One moment they have enough jumpers to clothe a small army. The next, they are down to one jumper that fits and another that will fit if you don’t mind listening to the grumbles as it is pulled, with great effort, over their heads. Oops […]
Read moreKnitting Stitches – Grape Hyacinth
Latest square in my knitted patchwork blanket. After several false starts with this square, I have finally finished it. I changed yarn and that made all the difference. It hadn’t helped that there are so many other demands on my time at the moment. There is sowing, planting, weeding and […]
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