This weekend it has rained. I had planned to garden. At least to work in the greenhouse, but even that job seemed so unappealing. So much to pot up and plant out, but this weekend was not the time. The hens looked so miserable in the rain, when they ventured […]
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Yarn Along
Yesterday, I sat out on our swinging bench, knitting, after school, listening to my middle one read her book. No need for jumpers, as the sun warmed us. Eldest sat on the grass a little way from us, making a daisy chain necklace, which she gave to her sister. Youngest […]
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Wednesday. Its time to report on all things book and yarn related, as I join in with Ginny’s Yarn-Along. I finished the Quilters book from last week. To be honest, I did what I do with books that I’ve started but am not into. I know this might outrage some […]
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Something different and something slightly different for my Yarn-Along post this week. A title grabbed my eye while I was in the library picking up a pile of books for the children. It was in the fiction section and had Quilt in the title. Being on a tight time schedule, […]
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