I love making a homemade gift or two for my family. I’m a great believer that if you are going to make Christmas presents, you should enjoy it. I’ve certainly had fun with making the gifts this year. Each has a story. First off was the patchwork cushion made for […]
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Ta Da! Knitted Blanket complete!
“Ta Da” I have finally finished my knitted patchwork blanket. I started this back in February last year, with only two purposes: discover new knitting stitches and use up some of my left over wool. Sixteen squares and 10 metres of border later, I’ve done it. I have discovered some […]
Read moreYarn Along – Almost a knitted blanket
Its Wednesday, so time to share this week’s reading and what’s on the knitting needles. To start, I have finished my cardigan, except for the buttons. Once the buttons are made and I can borrow a willing model, then I’ll post up a photo. Also hoping for a bit of […]
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Joining in Ginny’s Yarn Along today. Books and yarn. With all the rain that we have had in the last few days, I’ve made good progress on my cardigan. I have to stop calling it a shrug, as it is too long to fit most people’s ideas of a shrug […]
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