There are times when I feel that life is rushing ahead of me. I’d like it to slow down. Make the days linger a little bit longer. Each week seems to flick by, with me still standing still or desperately back pedalling. It doesn’t feel like seven days.
I know the reason. We are now on countdown for my eldest leaving school. Not that she is counting. I think she’s as much in denial as me, but hours in the day are allocated to revision. A timetable has assembled itself around us.
I’m not wishing the days away. I want to savour these last few months of having all three of them at school.
To add insult to injury, she will turn 18 soon after she leaves. An adult. Although, to be honest, that won’t seem such a shock to the system, as the end of the school era.
The best way I know to slow down time is to appreciate the moments. Break it up and celebrate events. Make one day stand out from another. One week then feels different to the next. Time slows in a good way.
Take last Saturday. We planted our Leap Day tree and made a day of it. A family event that created a day that was different from any other Saturday. It stands out against the sea of Monday PE kits and Wednesday piano books.
(shop window in Wells)
The next day, we headed in to Wells for a belated birthday meal celebration. It was lovely. We don’t often treat ourselves to a meal out, as they’re often disappointing and leave me feeling that I could produce a better meal at home, for a fraction of the price.
This time was different. The gap between visits probably helps, but the big difference was the table position. Tucked to the side, with a window view, it was perfect. I had a real feeling that we were in a big, sun lit Italian kitchen, being served bowls of pasta. Even the buzz and sound of Italian being spoken around us, made it different.
Not just a meal, but an experience. It will stand out against the sea of meals.
Also celebrated St David’s Day with plates of welsh cakes, at home.I don’t make these often enough, so it felt a treat in itself.
Also this week, my sister’s book was published. Definitely a stand out time.
The daffodils are out. The tree buds are making an appearance. More than once, I’ve ducked after foolishly walking into the flight path of our local quarrelling sparrows, as they noisily fly between the cottage roof and the beech hedge. Unbothered by me. Unaware of me.
I feel spring. The seasons are shifting.
Has it slowed down the week? All this marking of time? I reckon so. Certainly helped. I don’t want it to stop time, just to stop it hurtling by. Frivolous fun, I read one teen councillor suggest, to balance the exam preparation. I think she is right. I’m working on it.
Joining in with Anne’s word of the week. My word is “appreciating”.

Lots of things to appreciate there! I love the sound of your meal out, it’s so much more special when it becomes an experience rather than just a meal. I hope you have recovered from planting your tree in the hail. Let’s hope Spring really is on the way.
Yes, so many signs that spring is on its way.
It sounds like you have had a lot of things to appreciate.
Eek! That is big your eldest leaving school. Good luck with the revision!
The leap day tree is such a fantastic idea! What a great thing to do together.
It sounds like you had a lovely meal out.
Loved our meal out and the tree planting. It makes the week stand out.
You are wise to “slow down time” and appreciate the last weeks of your daughter’s school year. Once they graduate and leave home it is never quite the same.
Congrats to your sister for having her book published! Excellent writing skills must run in the family!
It would be so easy to let it all rush by. Thanks. Not the only writers in my family.
I’m totally with you on wishing for longer days! And I imagine it to be quite hard to take in that your eldest will soon be finishing school! They grow up too quickly.
Congrats to your sister on her book release. I hope she gets lots of sales!
Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. x
They do grow up fast. I know she is ready for the next stage and I’m excited to see what she does. I’m determined to enjoy these last few months though.
Fifi leaves school in a few short weeks once her exams finish as well. Scary to think I have a granddaughter who turns 18 this year as well.
I am sure Fifi is more than ready for leaving school, she knows what she wants in life and how to achieve that goal. Part 1 for her is a year in college doing a subject that should lead her right to the job she wants the following year when she is old enough to apply.
Wishing your daughter all the best with her exams and her future. #WotW
She sounds like she knows what she really wants to do. I hope she enjoys college. I know my eldest is looking forward to her new chapter too, once the exams are over.
It’s a tough balance you are mourning the loss of something very special but your child is off to something special too, just without you. It takes lots of courage for a parent to send a child off with the feeling that it is not just OK to leave but that everything is going to be fine. Of course they will be missed but life will continue for both of you in new and exciting ways. It is hard, but worth it when the child leaves not feeling guilt and the parents do move forward with new life goals.
I’m not wanting to stop time, just enjoy the next few months, before all change. I’m excited about what she will do, but I’m not wishing the days away. Definitely not mourning. I want to remember this time.
Your eldest leaving school really is a big milestone and I can understand that feeling of wanting to linger and slow time down as much as possible and enjoy this time while it last. Congratulations to your sister on having her book published. I love those knitted bunnies in the shope window and the photo of the daffodils. Glad you had such a lovely meal out too and I love the idea of planting a Leap Day tree. #WotW
It all goes too fast and I just want to savour every last morsel!