AlphabetPhoto: R is for rosemary


I can’t imagine having a garden without at least one rosemary bush somewhere in it. Preferably more. We planted one bush behind our swinging bench. Every time it swings, there is a lovely scent of rosemary, pretty much all year round. Perfect.

It’s not just us that appreciates rosemary. At the moment, the bees, and their kin, are all over the rosemary flowers. A time to resist swinging the bench. Good job we can enjoy it by taking cuttings and using it into the kitchen. I do like rosemary.

firebug on rosemary in Somerset

Whilst taking these photos, I was photobombed by a surprising garden visitor. We’ve only seen it in the garden once before, but it was determined to be in my photos, this time. I kid you not. I had to crop it out of the top photo.

A firebug. More common on the Continent. Gradually making an appearance in the UK. Seems to like my rosemary, this time. (edited: further research suggests that this is a cinnamon bug, which gives off a cinnamon scent when alarmed)

Linking up with PODCast’s #AlphabetPhoto. My r is for rosemary. Not firebug.


  1. Ah, I love the smell of rosemary. I’m not a massive fan of the taste of most herbs (I know, I’m a bit odd), but I do like rosemary 🙂

  2. The Mother says – What a great idea for R and these are great photos. I’m actually allergic to Rosemary so cannot have it anywhere near me which is a real shame as I love how they look. #alphabetphoto

    1. Sorry to hear you are allergic to rosemary. What a bind. I hope you can enjoy some of the other wonderful herbs instead.

    1. They are beautiful flowers. Colour and structure. The bees absolutely love the flowers. Often wonder how it effects the taste of the honey for the honey bees.

  3. Don’t think I’ve noticed Rosemary flowers before, very pretty. Don’t think i’ve seen a firebug either but he’s very photogenic! 🙂

    1. They are intricate flowers. Well worth a look. The fire bug is a new comer, so you’d have been lucky to find one. Very distinctive markings.

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