I made a mouse. Using wool from a sheep and a very sharp needle. I made a mouse. The idea has been playing dodgems in my head for a week. Every now and again bumping into my conscienceness, so believe me, I am thrilled to finally have it made.
It is all part of a new idea for counting down to Christmas. We have our advent truck, which each day a drawer is opened to reveal a tiny Fimo nativity character. Slowly the scene builds up, until the whole story can be told. My children love this family festive tradition.
We also have the tradition of each of the children making an advent calendar for each other. This too has been a treasured family event, but…..you could hear that coming couldn’t you?……as they grow, this is not catching their enthusiasm as much as it used to. This year we need to rest the tradition. Maybe next year, we’ll try again.
In the meantime, I would like something to replace it. This is where the mouse scuttles in. I am going to make a garland and a festive story. Each day, on the breakfast table, there will be a new page of the tiny book and a handcrafted object to go with it. The page, I hope will be read, and the object will be hung on the garland.
Fortunately, I have quite a number of crafting skills I can pull on. One day it might be knitted, another sewn and maybe the next origami. I could paint. I could make a paper cut, or even a bees wax model. Each day will be different.
The first one, to open the story, is a needlefelted mouse, asleep, or not so asleep, in a walnut half shell. I like to imagine that he, or she, ate the nut one cold winter night and went to sleep with a lovely, full tummy. Maybe Mother Mouse frugally tucked away tiny scraps of fabric to make the precious, patchwork quilt.
And under the quilt, inside the walnut shell, is a bell. I’m hoping it will gently tinkle as the children hang this little mouse up on the garland.
The big question now is, what do I call this little mouse? The hero of my story. What do you think? Any ideas?
Linking up for the first time to Thinly Spread’s Festive Friday.
I am really impressed that is really good.
Ah thanks. It pretty much turned out as I hoped. So difficult not to show the children when they came home from school.
I adore the mouse and quilt, what a fantastic idea! As for a name, how about Jerry or Nibbles? Not very original I’m afraid….
Hee Hee! Sometimes “not original” is the way to go. I’ll mull them over. Thanks.
seriously cute
Why,thank you, Val!
Love this, so cute, I need to practice with a needle and thread more!! #festivefriday
Watch out. It becomes addictive.
I think this is a wonderful idea, so creative and original. I’d think of naming him walnut! Juliex
Nice. I like that. Mulling that one too!
What a sweet idea! I don’t think I could be clever enough to make something like this mouse (Mr SqueakerWhiskers?) but I do love the idea of story unfolding in the run-up to Christmas
It’s a lot easier than it looks. Just need patience and coordination. Hmm! I like that name too. Thanks.
I admire anyone who manages to make anything needle felting. I have tried it and just haven’t got the patience for it.
I really love this little mouse and Hector came to mind.
Another great name. Patience is definitely needed for needlefelting. I was pleased that I only managed to stab myself once, this time!
He is adorable, love the ideas you have for Christmas/Advent traditions they sound wonderful.
Amazing how family traditions mount up. Elf points soon, which I love!
That is just the most adorable mouse on earth!!!
He’s hidden away now. Looking forward to getting him out again.
Lawrence the mouse. He’s vey cute!
I like that too!!! I may need to make more mice, at this rate.
oh he’s so tiny and perfect!
what a sweet little fella!
and what a fun idea with the story, your kids are going to love it!
Can’t wait to get him out of his hiding place.