Clock- my word of the week


Enormous clock on the kitchen wall

This week has been either about watching the clock or beating the clock, so it seems particularly appropriate that clocks failing had their place too. Don’t get me wrong. My happy place is definitely a clock free day. I love the days I get up or I eat when my body tells me to.  Most days are not like that, especially with family at home. So clock watching is the way.

Clock watching on Dartmoor

Ten Tors

Last weekend, Youngest son was out walking and camping on Dartmoor as part of Ten Tors. He’s been training up for the event for several months, through snow, rain and sunshine. This is an annual event organised by the Army for schools and youth organisations in the South West. The challenges vary in length. His team took part in the 45 mile challenge, wild camping over night.

On the Sunday, we went down to see him cross the finishing line. There are no phones allowed, but the Army tracked the teams and posted updates each time they reached checkpoints. Looking at this, we made an educated guess when he would be crossing the line. I found myself watching the clock. Comparing how long the leading teams took to move from one checkpoint to another to estimate how long his team would take.

We decided to get there a few hours early, which we were glad we did, as there was an enormous traffic queue getting into the site. Anyway, we saw his team cross the line, in a very decent time. They were exhausted and Youngest hobbled in to school the next day, which was a victory in itself.

He had so many stories to tell, but I think my favourite is that on the course they walked and chatted to other teams, choosing to camp with a team from another local school. I love that these sort of challenges are not just about going from A to B.

Change of hair for Middle Daughter

Clock watching

Middle daughter has been wanting to dye her hair for a good number of years. She was very blond as a child and it has gradually darkened over the years. This week, she went for it. It’s not as red as my photo seems to pick up, but is more like her hair was when she was 8 or 9. It looks very natural on her.

While she was at her appointment, I went to my Pilate lesson (first time) and the gym. Neither of us had much idea how long she was going to take, so I thought naively that I’d take a book to read afterwards, while I waited. She has long, thick hair, same as me, so I really should have guessed it would take time. An hour in, she sent me a message to say it was going to take 4 plus hours. I went home and ended up watching the clock. Again.

She is very happy with the results.


Clock fail

I moved our over sized clock (top photo) from our office/craft room into the kitchen. It looked good in there, as it’s the old wash house with a vaulted roof and plenty of light, but I knew it would be more useful in the kitchen. Especially as it was so high up that I couldn’t replace the battery which ran out years ago. It was a stopped clock. Not that useful. More a picture of a clock than a clock at this point.

At about the same time, the tiny digital clock in the kitchen, which is part of the central heating/hot water controls, stopped too. We’ll get round to sorting that out, at some point, as we have no hot water except for showers.

Anyway, the tiny clock was the only way to tell the time downstairs. Years of looking at it are difficult to shake. We have the ridiculous situation where we’re all looking past the enormous clock and still checking the now dead, tiny clock for the time. It is deeply ingrained.

On the plus side, I have finally decided to replace my fitness tracker, which still tracked, but didn’t tell me the time, as the screen had gone blank. I could check my progress on the app, but not at the time. As I’ve made it to four weeks going to the gym, I decided to treat myself (and inspire me to continue) with a new watch.

Turning back the clock in Frome

Turning back the clock

Strictly speaking this was just before the weekend, but we did squeeze in time for a trip out. Did you know there are only three bridges in Britain that have shops built on them? Pulteney bridge in Bath has shops on both sides, which we often see. The other two bridges have shops on just one side. One of these half bridges is near us, in Frome, and I have never spotted it before. I’ve driven over it and not even realised it was a bridge. This week I finally visited it properly and it is pretty.

The other direction is pretty too. Very easy to turn back the clock and imagine what it would have looked like in years gone by.

Well, that’s my clock watching week. I’m squeezing a bit of baking in today, while I have the time. Cookies, crumble and cake, ready for next week.  Anyone fancy a square of apple flapjack?

Apple flapjack

Joining in with Anne’s word of the week linky. What would your word be?

Word of the Week linky



  1. Well done your son! It sounds like he had a great adventure.
    Your daughters hair looks so pretty, I love the colour.
    Ahh! I moved our living room clock a while ago from one side of the room to the other and I kept looking in the wrong place for ages. It’s so annoying when you are so used to something being in one place.
    I didn’t know that about the bridges having shops on them. It does look so pretty. x

    1. Funny how something like a clock can catch you out, but it does. The shops on bridges seemed to crop up in children’s history books, so I guess they were more common at one stage.

  2. yes please to the flapjack, bet there isn’t any left now. Some things are worth clock watching for. What an achievement for your son, I’m glad he had fun, and your daughter’s hair looks lovely…4 hours though, I don’t blame you not waiting.

    1. Ah sorry. If only you’d said earlier. Flapjack went very quickly. Thank you. He did so well and she is happy with her hair.

  3. Well done to your son on managing to complete the challenge and it’s lovely that he enjoyed chatting to other teams along the way too. Middle daughter’s new hair colour is beautiful. I like your clock that you’ve moved into the kitchen. I can imagine it will take time to break the habit of looking at the tiny clock though! Those bridges are pretty. I didn’t realise there were only three bridges with shops built on them. Lovely to have time to squeeze in some baking too. The apple flapjacks look delicious. #WotW

    1. Thank you. It was a full week. The bridge was so interesting but overlooked. I had no idea it was there.

  4. It feels like such a while since I last popped by! I’m so happy to be catching up with you.
    Well done to your youngest, that’s some achievement!
    Your daughter has gorgeous hair and I love the colour she chose.
    I did smile at the clock. We have a cuckoo clock and I love listening to it, but my youngest keeps messing with the settings so it cuckoos when we are in bed and then it’s silent during the day. It drives me mad.
    I’ll grab a slice of apple flapjack please! Yummy. x

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