Grown- my word of the week

View over Paris from La Fayette

As I stood, shoulder to shoulder with my daughter, I caught a glimpse in the mirror and realised that I was indeed the shortest in the family. I’d not seen her for several months, but somehow she had grown and overtaken me. It was noticeable. According to my son, as he languished in a chair behind us, nonchalantly gnawing a baguette, it had happened a while ago and they hadn’t wanted to say anything.

So, there I was, the last to realise. Again.

Trust the youngest to spill the beans in the brutalist manner. Who needs an ego when you have children? We were grabbing lunch in my daughter’s new Parisian apartment, at the time. A stone’s throw from the rebuilding of Notre Dame and it felt so appropriate.  Pull down to rebuild. I felt the familiar micro flash of reality that has dogged my parenting journey. As I looked at two out of my three children I was reminded that they had grown. They were no longer little people dependent on me, but adults, starting to find their own way in this crazy world of ours. One living alone in Paris and the other starting A Levels.

Cafe near the Eiffel Tower


I’ve been missing in action for the last nine months. It all comes down to two reasons. My blog was in desperate need of an overhaul and a move after 14 years of stagnating in the same place. It is strange to think that my youngest was 2 years old when I started blogging. Like the blog, he’s grown and is now sixteen and towers over me. The mop of blond hair has gone too. Anyway, this week, my husband moved my blog and I’m fine tuning it when time allows.

Youngest playing in mud, now grown
(Back in 2010 – Both Youngest and blog have grown)

Second, and probably the biggest reason for my absence, is that I was discovering my children are excellent travel buddies. Thanks to my daughter attending the Sorbonne last semester, I visited Paris three times, last year, once with each of my children. I loved seeing it through their fresh eyes and, I have to admit, I fell in love with the capital again. Twice more up the Eiffel Tower, which some might say was excessive, as I introduced them all to Paris, and twice dawdling through the Louvre which definitely was not enough. I’ve re-emerged with so many crafting ideas and photos. I’m sure I’ll slip a few into the new and approved blog, hopefully, over time.

I think I’m ready to act as a tour guide too. I know the best places for the best food and how to beat the queues.

Anyway,  I’m back. I’ve missed you all. I’ve particularly missed the Friday round up and the regular participants. Looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Getting fit

Over the winter, I’ve grown. Outwards, rather than upwards. It’s becoming a pattern. I think the lack of gardening, no travel and a hibernating mentality over the season doesn’t help. This week, I’d had enough. I’ve donned my running shoes every morning and I’m gradually building up my stamina again. Not far, but I’m more interested in getting out each day rather than training for a set distance.

my pile of books has grown


I finished The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods, this week. Really enjoyed it. Part of it was set in Paris and I recognised the area, including the Shakespeare and Company bookshop where one of the heros works. There were some gritty bits and out of the corner of your eye magic moments, which made it a good read.

To balance out the loss of one book from my “to be read” pile, I did the honourable thing and bought lots more. Doesn’t everyone? The pile has grown. I’m a big fan of second hand book shops. I love the hunt and never knowing quite what you will find. Oxfam online is one of my favourites. This week, I ordered a few more. Let’s see if I read these before I wander into another bookshop.

Fortunately, it looks like another trip to London, to organise a visa for Eldest’s next country of study, for next semester, so I should have plenty of time to read.

Broken jewellery from Oxfam
My crafting stash has grown again – oops!


I’m on the second sleeve of the cable jumper I’m knitting Youngest. He’s looking forward to me finishing it and checks practically every day. When he was little, I could finish a jumper in one week. Now he’s grown, it takes me a good month to complete. I’m on the last toe of a pair of socks too.

While I was on Oxfam, I discovered that they do bags of broken jewellery. Seeing as Middle daughter loves anything shiny, I thought we’d get a bag to share. Middle is on a gap year at the moment and working in a kitchen which means odd hours and we had to wait a few days before we could open it. It was £5 and it’s all costume jewellery. Most is broken, but there are some quite fancy intact necklaces and bracelets among them too. I have so many ideas what to make with these. My crafting list has grown again. It’s going to be fun.

The Louvre
Outside the Louvre

Hopefully that’s a bit of an update. We have another exciting few days organizing Youngest ready for a trip abroad at the end of next week. I plan on enjoying this final week, knowing all three of our children are not only in the same country, but home too. They might be grown, but I still love the times they are under the same roof. Well, most of the times.

Joining in with Anne’s Word of the Week linky

Word of the Week linky


  1. I love your blog! It’s so interesting to read. Welcome back to the linky by the way. It’s so nice to have a nosy into other people’s lives so I look forward to reading yours too. We also love crafting but just need to organize the time to get involved in doing it. Good luck on getting out for some fresh air and exercise each day. I need to follow this. Enjoy having your kids around and keeping up with their growth.

  2. I am almost the shortest in my family! My youngest is the same height as me at the moment. They do grow up so fast!
    I have missed you blogging, it is nice to see you back! It sounds like you have great fun in France.
    Good luck with the running and happy crafting. The broken jewellery sounds like a great find.

  3. Welcome back Cheryl. Your youngest reminds me of my youngest at that age, all blue eyed and blonde hair. The blonde hair has gone and today he proudly informed me that his eyes had gone grey. I’d not noticed! I’m not the shortest yet as the Little man is just 13 and is due a growth spurt. It won’t be long though. I love your jewellery haul. My daughter loves second hand shops, I’m surprised she hasn’t gone for the jewellery yet, she usually a little magpie. She searches for anything Doctor Who at the moment. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying your travels.

    1. Thank you Anne. It’s funny how we don’t notice something obvious. I guess it happens gradually. I miss the blond mop and ladybird boots, but I love the person he is growing into too. I don’t often see any Dr Who in second hand shops here, or maybe I’m not looking. We have picked up a few Dr Who books over the time, but I think they have gone full circle back to the charity now.

  4. Welcome back Cheryl! Beautiful photos of Paris and I hope your daughter has settled in to her new apartment. That moment of realising your children are all now taller than you sounds like a bittersweet one. Glad they are all doing well. Love the photo of your youngest when he was little. Hope you enjoyed your final week with all your children at home. It sounds like you’ve enjoyed your trips to Paris. I’ve been a few times but never been up the Eiffel Tower. Crafting stashes have a habit of growing, don’t they! Hope you’re enjoying having new projects to plan with the extra bits. #WotW

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