Where do I start with this week? I’ve knotted and tied, sliced and preserved and driven more than I have in the last six months. It weirdly felt like business as usual. Except for the mask wearing part. That’s not second nature yet.
Saturday, I spent the whole day batch cooking. I like to think future me will thank me. I made more pasta sauce for the store cupboard, as well as apple and strawberry pie filler. I’ve almost run out of preserving jars, which are now out of stock almost everywhere. The rest of the pie fillers will be bagged and go into the freezer.
I made lasagna for the freezer, granola for breakfasts and pies to keep everyone happy.
I also changed my web theme, while everything baked. Bizarrely, I like to multi-task tech tasks as it stops me over thinking it. The hazard of doing IT as a day job. It went incredibly smoothly and it has sorted out my problem with displaying comments. Also feels good to change the look up a bit.
Before you think I am super efficient, I can’t remember the last time I vacuumed upstairs, and my clean washing pile is growing at an alarming rate. Something always gives.
Most mornings, this week, I’ve driven to school. It’s a temporary state of affairs, but I’m starting to envy people who commute this route on a daily basis. I know. That does sound weird.
The road takes us past a reservoir owned by the local water company. It has been thoughtfully planted up with an interesting variety of trees, that look particularly stunning at this time of year. One morning, I must stop and take a photo or two.
Anyway, eldest teen is the reason we are able to enjoy the autumn colours, as it’s been a busy exam week. Today, she has two that clash in the morning, so they run them one after another. They give her a 30 minute break in between, but I think 4 and a half hours of exams is a going to be a shock to her system. Thank goodness it’s Friday.
For the record, I’m not sure she is enjoying the drive as much as me.
I’m making progress with my crochet blanket. I absolutely love the pink border. I’ve also added to my knitted pumpkin collection and finally written a “how to make them” post. Also started on my autumn door wreath. I used the popcorn cobs from last year that failed to pop. It still needs something in the middle. Not sure what.
Another busy week to look forward to, as I fit two weeks of my day job in to one, ready for half term. I won’t manage it, but I’m hoping to take some time off over the break to spend time with the children. Especially as it is running up to Halloween and middle teen’s 16th.
Hope you have a good weekend. I’m definitely spending some time kicking autumn leaves. How about you?

I had to double take that I’d clicked the right link, lol. I love the new look, very sleek. It’s lovely to see the crochet squares coming together and I love the pink too. What cute knitted pumpkins, I’ve been thinking about crocheting some as the knitting isn’t going so well. Well done on being so industrious this week, I hope teens exams are going well. I think we are all looking forward to half term. #wotw
Ha! Thank you. Always good to have a yarn project on the go at this time of year.
I love your new blog theme – it looks great. You’ve certainly had a very busy week – industrious is a good word for it. How lovely to have all those preserving jars filled with nice things. I love your autumn wreath with the corn cobs and your crochet blanket is absolutely beautiful. Hope you get some time to relax over the weekend before your busy week next week. #WotW
Thank you. Always love making the most of the season.
It sounds like you have been busy.
Your batch cooking efforts are amazing! The pie fillers sound so good.
I love the new look of your blog.
The drive to school does sound like a good one.
I hope your eldest’s exams went well. x
Thank you. I’m enjoying making all the pie fillers.
Wow, you have been busy! all that cooking sounds delicious and I like the new web theme too.
Thank you! It’s good to ring the changes.
You have been busy. I did have to smile at your clean washing pile growing. I had to give in to mine the other day and get the iron out. It was huge!
I really love the colours in your blanket, they go so well together and kicking leaves sounds perfect to me. 🙂 x
Thank you. I think I got the colours right with this blanket.