All work and no play

action bubbles

This week, outdoor time has been reduced to collecting apples or shutting up the hens. School has left the children lethargic. By Thursday, I know I was feeling stuck in the mud and children needed something else to entice them out. Time to pull out my collection of bubble bottles. Mainly collected from forgotten party bags over the years.

bubble in grass

The children loved it. It was just the incentive they needed to go out. Once out, they played and played.

bubbles at sunset

They love to twirl around with the bubble wand held out, letting the bubbles cascade away from them. They take turns to blow the bubbles while the others chase around the garden trying to pop them. The biggest bubble. The highest bubble. The bubble that lasts the longest.

bubbles for the oak tree

After a while, I left them to it and collected another crate of apples and the last of the tomatoes. They decided that the oak tree deserved some bubbles and tried their best to cover the mighty tree.

acorn in the oak tree

It was very simple fun, but it was enough to shake off the tiredness of the day and enjoy being outside.

Joining in with #CountryKids. Hope you’ve all had a chance to get outdoors and play.
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Such great bubble pictures, we do love bubbles here too and like you say they are a great incentive to get outside. I love seeing Acorns on the trees too.

  2. Amazing how a simple activity can do the trick. I think the children are all ready for half term now, mine are tired and getting irritable with each other and definitely ready for a break. Some lovely pictures here and just the thing to liven up after school kids. Thank you for sharing on Country Kids

    1. How right you are!! I think mine will collapse when half term finally arrives. Don’t want to wish the time away, but we are ready for it.

    1. The oak tree is one of my favourite places in the garden. Loaded with acorns this year. So many that the squirrels and magpies can’t keep up with them.

    1. Funnily they were talking about making one when they were playing with the bubbles. They are great fun, so I must set it up next time. Probably need more mixture too!

    1. Running up to half term. Some of the get up and go has gone. Bubbles were just perfect to inject a little bit of energy back. Hope you have a good weekend too.

  3. So simple, yet always loads of fun – thanks for reminding me to get out my bubbles! Lovely photos, too.

  4. Bubbles are the great leveller for my kids, they ALL love them, and it’s lovely to see how much fun they can have. Great post!

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